Sexy lady vampire art contest

in #art6 years ago (edited)


Hi everyone! Browsed around Steemit and stumbled upon this page by @ladymaharet where she had just recently received 500 followers, and as a way of celebrating her success' is by hosting her 1st art contest.

I was intrigued by this as I was browsing; she created 4 different perspectives for her lovely character, and I decided to give it a try and to incorporate her 4 artworks into my art representation of her work! Similar to her hosting her 1st art contest, for me, this is the 1st time I have ever submitted an artwork for an art contest on Steemit!

To start, these are @ladymaharet's artworks; the rule is to re-create her original character in the image of a shade or vampire. The drawing can portray her character's full body, portrait, half body, and in any mediums. The drawing submission must be created specifically for her contest, as older/recycled pieces will not be accepted. These are @ladymaharet's artworks:

Here is my "sexy lady vampire" representation of her character. I made attempt to incorporate resembling pieces from each of her artpieces into my final character and background scene:

I started off with creating outline for the vampire lady character. I wanted the character to have a similar body pose position and sitting on a platform as the first illustration (top left). I always love focus on hair, and yet I didn't want my vampire protagonist's hair as curly as the upper left style, but more flowy hair layers similar to the bottom left and right artpieces. I still wanted it to portray the evening scene but with a larger moon in the background.


Starting to fill in the colors, I wanted the character to have similar skin tone as the upper right artwork piece, which is of a warmer pink skin tone, and bright reddish hair. I started with the foundational base colors for the vampire's body. I had wanted her clothing to mimic similar color themes as the upper right and lower left artworks....which consists of a darker dress color.

Next I provided the lighter tone highlights to the character. This is the part to bring out the brighter colors.

In this progress part, I incorporated a darker background color theme to bring out the color contrasts against my vampire character.

My final version of the sexy lady vampire girl, finale masterpiece sparkled with evening stardusts in the background. I really enjoyed this contest's progress, as I had it carefully planned out what I would like the artwork to look before I started. I had lightly sketched out before going over with thicker strokes. Throughout the drawing and digital painting process, I had played around with blends of various color swatch tones before settling down with these colors. It took more time having to continuously paint, re-paint, draw, erase, and re-draw before coming into something I feel more satisfactory in. It's fun nevertheless; a carefully thought-out art process for 3 days before completion! Thanks for reading my thought process! I'd love to hear feedback in my artwork creation, and whether you feel it's a good representation to @ladymaharet's vampire character!

If you like my work, remember to re-steem and upvote! Thanks for reading! See you next post!

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