Monkey Don't Like No Kitty on Him's Back

in #art7 years ago (edited)

So, . . . often when I sketch out a new design, I have a hard time deciding what exactly to do with it next.

Hmmm, should I simply ink it out on paper, art pencil, maybe paint it on canvas . . .

I know, watercolor!

Monkey Don't Like 03.jpg

Actually watercolor was LAST thing I did with this design. First it was a basic sketchy ink drawing with little white highlights.

Monkey Don't Like 01.jpg

Then I decided it needed to be a little more defined, and colors more intense so I put it on darker paper.

Monkey Don't Like 02.jpg

This happens a lot in my studio - I have made MANY versions of MANY designs. Sometimes it's hard to decide which one I like the best.

I would guess that this monkey & kitty will probably be painted on canvas one day too.


Most cats sleep around 16 hours a day

Hey, . . . there's that crazy cat again

The tiniest cat on record is Mr. Pebbles, a 2-year-old cat that weighed 3 lbs (1.3 k) and was 6.1 inches (15.5 cm) high.

Morning Mike, cute little critters with plenty personality. Love your linework. Keep on keeping on. xox

Thanks Linda, glad you like the 'critters' (I thought only us Texans used that word). I was thinking it to be rather late. I'm always such a night-owl. Some sort of magic in those night hours that I always enjoy. But yes, you are right, it IS morning. About 3 a.m. here :) Good morning to you too!

In the UK here near to London - bloody cold, wet and miserable! In my book night is for sleeping these days :) 09.35 here, gotta get going. Catchya around xox

Those claws, no wonder!

Ha ha - exactly !

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