Weird Stuff

in #art6 years ago



So this was me going down a pretty weird rabbit hole. I started out thinking I wanted to make some sort of animation, I also was in the mood to do something more along the 2D world, and things started pretty normal with this.


But that alone just sort of looks like seizure fuel. So I started manipulating things and ended up with a lot of variations on that original pattern animation.






I just needed to do something really different from what I normally do. Somtimes I get like that. Probably not beautiful, but hopefully it gets your neurons firing, or at least exposes you to something you've never seen.

Thanks for looking peeps!


Very trippy. The 3rd pic/animation reminds me of my old Atari 800 when it would lock up.

Yea, the original idea was to do something glitchy.

Your animation looks like some space cars traveling at super sonic speeds.

I like this stuff. I don't think it's weird at all. The block animation reminds me of when I was kid, pressing my face up to the tv, watching static. Memories.

Thanks :) It's got a touch of that nonameslefttouse flavor I think.

I have a fancy little tool that lets me wipe off the finer details in my work. I haven't found a good use for it but I'm sure if I messed around with some old work I'd find a few hidden treasures.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Fancy Tool.jpeg

You can see how it pulls everything off and leaves only the basics.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Just Kill Me Already.jpeg

One of these days I'm going to push every button and see what kind of glitchy stuff I can come up with. There's so many buttons I haven't even touched yet.

Very cool, yea I like that effect, and yea it’s fun to press all the buttons. Lots of interesting stuff happens when you release the computer hounds on your image.

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