in #art7 years ago (edited)


A. Effect of Rizki

ثم لا بد لطالب العلم من التوكل فى طالب العلم ولا يهتم لأمر الرزق ولا يشغل قلبه بذلك. روى أبو حنيفة رحمه الله عن عبد الله بن الحارث الزبيدى صاحب رسل الله صلى الله عليه و سلم: من تفقه فى دين الله كفى همه الله تعالى ورزقه من حيث لا يحتسب.

Students must put their trust in science. Do not shake because of the problem of rizki, and his heart was not carried there. Abu Hanifa narrated from Abdullah Ibn al-Hassan Az-Zubaidiy friend of the Prophet: "Whoever studies the religion of Allah, then God will provide for his needs and give him rizki from a way not previously thought."

فإن من اشتغل قلبه بأمر الرزق من القوت والكسوة قل ما يتفرغ الأمور.
قيل: دع المكارم لا ترحل لبغيتها واقعد فإنك انت الطاعم الكاسى
قال رجل [لابن] المنصور: هي نفسك, إن لم تشغلها شغلتك.

Because a person whose heart has been affected by rizki affairs whether food or clothing, it is rare to remove that influence to attain the virtuous and the mulya cases. Syi'ir mentions:

Leave kemulyaan, do not you search

Sit quietly, you will be fed and worn
One man said to Manshur Al-Hallaj: "Give me a will!" He said: "My will is your lust. If you do not subdue, you are the one who is defeated. "

فينبغى لكل أحد الخير حبى

For each person, should make his busyness by doing good, and do not be influenced by the enticements of his lust.

B. The Influence of Worldly Affairs

ولا يهتم العاقل لأمر الدنيا المصيبة, ولا ينفع بل يضر بالقلب والعقل, ويخل بأعمال الخير, ويهتم لأمر الآخرة لأنه ينفع. وأما قوله عليه الصلاة والسلام: إن من الذنوب ذنوبا لا يكفرها إلا هم المعيشة فالمراد منه قدر هم لا يخل بأعمال الخير ولا يشغل القلب شغلا يخل بإحضار القلب فى الصلاة, فإن ذالك القدر من الهم والقصد من أعمال الآخرة.

For those who use reason, should not be troubled by world affairs, because feeling anxious and sad here will not be able to avoid the disaster, no use. Instead it will harm the heart, mind and body and can destroy good deeds. But to be noticed are the afterlife business, because only this business that will bring benefits.
Regarding the word of the Prophet "There is indeed a sin that can not be melted except by the observance of ma'isyah," it means "attention" which within boundaries does not destroy good deeds and does not affect concentration and special, during prayer. Attention and intent within these limits, are included in their own righteousness.

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