Getting KNOTTY - original art with Celtic knots by @merej99

in #art8 years ago

It's true. I spent the better part of the day on this KNOTTY thing.

I must admit I'm a little obsessed with Celtic knots and my goal is to perfect them!

I really like this angle

Getting Knotty by Meredith Loughran, art, doodling, Celtic knots

but this is how it really should be presented.

Getting Knotty by Meredith Loughran, art, doodling, celtic knots

I used a ruler and compass to sketch it out - but when it came time to tracing it, I took a pen to it and my beautiful straight lines and curves suffered, which prompted the effect of a strong outside border.

Getting Knotty by Meredith Loughran, art, doodling, Celtic knots

And here I am with the final piece.

Getting Knotty by Meredith Loughran, art, doodling, Celtic knots

Your comments, upvotes and shares are always appreciated.

Thank you.

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witchy merej99
Meredith Loughran is protected by Copyscape
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Celtic knots and Trinity knots - you're following a thread similar to what I do in my writing. And I love your art

Thank you, John! :)

great art!!!!! upvoted and reblogged

Thank you @walden - my cup over floweth. :D

"Fill your bowl to the brim
and it will spill.
Keep sharpening your knife
and it will blunt.
Chase after money and security
and your heart will never unclench.
Care about people's approval
and you will be their prisoner.

Do your work, then step back.
The only path to serenity."}

~ Lao Tzu - I through I recognized the quote. :)

Mayhap I need a bigger cup, and instead of a knife, a paintbrush. My heart is open to the universe and all its possibilities, and my joy is chasing bliss. But I will work hard and endeavor to die with no regrets.

bigger cup, no doubt, start putting out decent work please,
I beg you

There you go, now your cup is overfloweth :) my 8 year old child can do that,
but yes, great art!!!!! great art!!!!!

:) good... now we are talking

Bravo! Bravo! my friend @ merej99, excellent work that has made worthy of a true artist, as always a pleasure to visit your blog, my congratulations to continued success, warmly welcome my husband from me

@jlufer, you are entirely too sweet. Have you more tours of the garden of eden?

That is meticulous! I like it! Thank you for posting.

@james83501 - thank you! I just visited your profile and left a message on your introduction post. Welcome to Steemit! I'm looking forward to your creations in whatever form they take :)

Thank you. I caught that reply. I like your work : )

Hi Mere,
Also, since I am just really starting, and we all need a helping hand, I am going to start, daily, looking at the Blogs of my Followers, finding things I like that are over one day old and less than a month old, then upvoting them and resteeming them. I would ask you to do the same for me. This way, we all get continual exposure. That is what we all need, right? I am staring today. I will look at your Blog and resteem and upvote the ones I like.

I highly recommend you get over to
There are some great rooms to help self-promote and do a little meet & greet with the other members.

  • This one is general post promotion:
  • Minnows Unite - I highly recommend using the minnowsunite hashtag so they can find you.
  • Steemprentice will help match you with a mentor to help you through the ropes
    And here's just a personal recommendation from me - and you can take it or leave it - but use the resteem button with care. I consider myself a content curator but I also like to leave comments and not just blindly upvote. That being said, if I see a blog page full of other people's post and have to dig for your content, chances are I will not follow that person. but that's me I cannot speak for anyone else. :)
    I'll be posting my 90 day experience next week - keep an eye out for it. it will touch on a lot of things that you may find helpful, but feel free to drop me a message any time! ~ Mere

I am not one to just upvote or resteem either. Notice I said "the posts I like" which means to me, one's that deserve to be seen. I resteemed one thing from every one of my followers today, however, there are only a handful interested in doing that, so i maybe have 4-5 committed folks to look at, and resteem only what I like most...maybe you misunderstood me. Anyway, thank you for your advice.

I don't think I misunderstood. I was just expressing a cautionary opinion about resteeming and how I've seen it over used. It's a powerful tool and can be very useful but it can also overshadow your own content. Hopefully the next hardfork will have the option of hiding resteems from your personal blog page and keep them on a separate tab. :)

meticulous, sure :) sloppy as shit, check the circles in the last picture:
is that meticulous?

tsk, tsk, @walden - please focus on me. I need you, darling.

ok, would you allow me to help you learn how to use a compass?

Ya, but freehand??? Nice looking!

As I said, very nice art merejjjjj

You are really kind, @walden. And I do really appreciate you posting and being so engaged here.

Hi, it looks really nice, I've spent the last 2 days on my most recent post. I still think its crazy that you do it by hand no photo shop, I would go crazy doing it like that, I'm so used to the software there's no going back for me. great job!
And thanks for the tips you've given me.

You know, @joechez - I've actually got one friend who has paperwork that states he's sane. I have no such paperwork which must mean I'm probably batshit crazy. LOL
Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I'll be looking for your stuff on my feed. :)

you want an example of sloppy? check the juxtaposed circles in the third picture..... thats sloppy as shit, good night

You too have a wonderful night, love. Sweet dreams.

You too Merej, have a great night

Awesome alchemy symbol!

it looks fantastic Meredith, It was time well spent.

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