Original artwork│''Violet Flower Dance''
''Violet Flower Dance''
Another flowerish type drawing but with a bit of colour this time. These purple 'flowers' i made with thread in a way that i first dipped it into a bucket with colour and then lay it down on paper after which i put little pressure on it from above with my hand and another piece of disposable paper and pull the thread out at the bottom. Unfortunately, i did not capture the process but that was some experiment i saw one child was working on around so i gave it a shot.
The rest of the drawing is standard black ink and some pencil shading for BG circle.
The paper mentioned in the last post that i buried underground and leave it there for 10 days didn't have any effect on it. I dig it up after even a few rainy days but the paper was still pure white as from package. That was standard printing paper so i doubt there might be some chemicals on it that prevents whiteness fading? Idk, but will try to come up with some more experiments in future.
Enjoy this work!
EDIT: Hmmm, not sure why is quality being reduced thou...
Fineliner, Black pigment ink, Pencil, Pigment color, Beige paper
Estimated time of drawing so far approx 5 hours
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