in #art8 years ago

"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls." -- Pablo Picasso


Importance Of Art

How's that saying go… "Money can't buy class." And never has it more evident than with our new President, Donald J. Trump. While this clown -- I mean President has no problem pouring unnecessary amounts of money into more and more military spending -- even though we already spend more than the next 8 countries combined…

At the present moment, it is estimated that as of 2017 we are spending $4.79 trillion on war. Yes, this figure does include a jacked-up homeland security and the future medical costs for our veterans… While this number is huge -- beyond huge.., it does not take into consideration the investment in other areas that could not take place… Plus when you add in the interest we will be paying until 2053 (yes, we borrowed all this money to fund these wars).., the cost reaches a staggering $7.9 trillion.

And now this embarrassment of a leader wants to add
another $54 billion -- that's BILLION!

To put a little perspective into this.., the National Endowment for the Arts has a budget of $146 million -- not trillion, not even billion. That is the equivalent to 46 cents a person (american) a year. It does nothing towards getting the budget under control, it is a pimple on the butt of a mosquito…

At a time in our history where we need as many things as possible to bring people together, our current President (it pains every time I write that) wants to build walls, make more bombs.., and grow the military complex. The budget put forward calls for the elimination of the the National Endowment for the Arts -- and he wants to end the Meals on Wheels Program (that's a whole different story).., but I will say -- the one time I tagged along with an ex-girlfriend who actually delivered meals to people in need.., it shook me to the bone. Without that delivery of subsistence, that very old woman in a wheel chair.., would have went without.., and now she will -- good job Mr President!

"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."
-- Sun Tzu

Now Im no big fan of the government.., nor am I any kind of particular artist, either… But I sure do appreciate a good piece of art when I see one… The way it can lift you out of the biggest funk.., and transport to whole other reality -- a better one… I mean, wasn't it President Lyndon B. Johnson that said -- "any Advanced Civilization must fully value the arts, the humanity and cultural activity" that "functions purely as an escalation of the spirit" when he created the endowment in 1965… And even though the amount of the endowment is just a tiny, tiny fraction of our discretionary spending.., our President thinks the country will be better off without it.

"Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Art has a way of transcending cultural and economic boundaries like nothing else… White, black, yellow, green or purple -- rich or poor.., it speaks to us all if we are ever given a chance to be in it's presence. By expanding our minds and entering our soul.., it has the ability to start very difficult conversations, that would otherwise remain in the shadows… It has a sneaky, yet oh so pleasant way of weakening our defenses.., and touching our hearts.

And taking away, limiting that chance.., is a crime against humanity, itself. While confronting some of lives more vital issues, such as race and sexuality -- art is so much more than just a pretty picture or amazing piece of music… It is an instrument of higher consciousness.., and exposes the fact that no matter if we are straight or gay, white or black, rich or poor -- we all have the same insecurities.., the same hopes and dreams. While enriching the lives of so many, the arts can single handedly change someones life. It can lift someone out of poverty, a bad situation, or just brighten your day.

"An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a
hard thing in a simple way." -- Charles Bukowski

Without the National Endowment for the Arts.., the world will lose some of it's light. It will rob us of the next Mozart or Warhol… Beyond the unimaginable loss of great works of art and the much needed and appreciated funding -- the message it implies about the importance of culture in the America.., is pathetic. While neighboring countries, such as Canada commit 8x to the arts as the United States. As the world around us echoes of war, disease, poverty and fear.., the President of the United States of America has just made it a little less beautiful, too.

Image Source: 1


Very nice ~.~

Thanks @mars9... CHEERS!

you are welcome

Nice Post! I agree that War is the worst for humanity.

Unfortunately, a small group of people in control (the government) seek it as a solution. Fortunately, the majority of people do not prefer this, so we must find a way to reverse places.

I believe that,

Art will always rise above, and it shall never die,
No matter how much they try to suppress it!

Right on.., @edgarstudio -- I completely agree with you!

This is an important post. There's a reason fascist regimes always persecute the creatives early on. We're a wiley bunch. Good job, @macksby!

Thanks so much @ericvancewalton... It's not a done deal, yet -- but I don't hold out too much hope.

You're welcome. 45's book "The Art of the Deal" (ironic title), gives his negotiation strategy, ask for way more than you expect so after negotiation you still get more than you really wanted. I think of of this outlandishness is in the same vein. He knows he's not going to get all of what he's asking for but still it'll take this country decades to recover from what he will get passed.

Yeah.., it's not going to be pretty...

It's insane to me that we are cutting programs that cost a fraction of a fraction of our military. Trimming the National Endowment for the Arts and Meals on Wheels isn't saving us any recognizable tax dollars. It's simply immoral, political and about limiting the government umbrella. Number 45 loves war because it's an economic machine that aids the investments and companies of 1%-ers... bigly.

Yep... War is big business!

You can't surprise me any more :) fantastic article!

Im fulla' surprises...

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