Let your inner child ignite your creativity!

in #art6 years ago


As we grow older we tend to take ourselves too seriously and forget how much fun it is to fool around and enjoy a simple life. Do you remember how great it felt when you were a child and lived worries free? How much you wanted to continue to play when your parents were telling you it was bedtime?

While we were children we loved to explore and having fun was one of our main goals. We would try different games or dares, we would create new ones and dream about all the wonderful things we would do once we would grow up. We used to laugh, sing, play, draw, dance and live so joyfully.

We pictured ourselves having different professions, having a family or any other scenario that would please us. The sky was the limit. Our actions were driven by joy, fascination and curiosity.

Then throughout pre-teens or teenage years something happened. Our dreams shifted into a different direction. It might have been our own doing or it might have been due to the impact of our friends on us. Or maybe we started to care more about what others had to say or think about us.

The moment we let the society influence our decisions and shape our dreams, we lost connection with the inner self. Day by day we distanced ourselves from the inner child and turned into a mature being, responsible, reliable, obedient and busy person. Always on the run or worrying about one thing or another. Never satisfied.

Did you ever wonder what happened to that inner child who got pushed back through layers of education, rules, norms and customs. Was he completely shut off from you, trapped somewhere into a drawer never to be opened inside your mind?

Did you ever ask yourself what would happen if you'd allow him out? If you'd reconnect with him? Would that make you see the world in a different light? Would that boost your creativity? Would he help you have a better understanding of yourself?

How do you bring back that joyful child? The answer is simple. If you want to reconnect with your youthful side, you need to love more and worry less. While you are doing this inner journey focus on this four steps: love yourself, listen to yourself, forgive yourself and thank yourself.

Building a strong connection with your inner child can heal your traumas, remove the unresolved baggage, help you with your daily struggles and obviously boost your creativity.

The above image is an acrylic painting, named The inner child, which I did during for my art therapy class. It has a special value to me. Realizing this painting enabled me to be childlike and it opened the door to a new perspective, that of seeing the world once more with openness and wonder just like during my childhood.

What about you? Did you reconnect with your inner child?

Unless stated otherwise, all photos used in this posts are taken and owned by myself. If you wish to use any of my images, please contact me!

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave your feedback in the comments, I would love to hear your thoughts!

@2018 LaviPicu aka The Lyme Poet. All rights reserved.


Don't lose your creativity! "You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it" ~ Robin Williams

Once it's lost, you're as good as dead!

True! :)

Great message. This is so important... I think Ih have a good connection to my inner child and I'm pretty thankful for that. Thanks for sharing this painting!

That's why your creativity is flowing! ;0) you nutures that inner child and allowed her to grow.

Thank you for great advice @lymepoet, this especially resonates:

If you want to reconnect with your youthful side, you need to love more and worry less. While you are doing this inner journey focus on this four steps: love yourself, listen to yourself, forgive yourself and thank yourself.

Strange as it may sound, my journey on steemit has partly helped me reconnect with that inner child as I now get to do more of what I always wanted to do and that is to write and be more introspective plus I get to share my love of cooking! I almost feel like I'm travelling as well as I'm meeting so many great people from all over the world here :)

Steemit has impacted all of us in some incredible, unexpected ways. I enjoy seeing your culinary journey ;0)

You're right as the years go by we make her bored and worried about everything, overwhelmed by the day to day and full of occupations that don't allow us to see a little more, after being a mom this situation changed a little for me! My son helps me feel like a child when I play with him, I am a single mother and I spend a lot of time with him and watching him grow up makes me feel like a child again and help him grow up, beautiful your painting and beautiful reflection :)

Spending quality time your child can do wonders for both of you. I love there for my son, playing with him, rolling on floor, pretending we are super heroes and having fun. Laughing is a great way to work your way to the inner self.

and live so joyfully.

It's as if we created our own joy. Now things are different. We let our joy be controlled by external forces.

I feel the inner child cries to be heard. As you've said, I agree that in loving,listening and forgiving my self I give the inner child room for expression.

Nicely written. You are followed and this will be resteemed.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and the re-esteem.

Wow, I love that picture! The flowers, the hair. Wonderful tones and movement. As for the inner child, mine was pretty beat up in the early years. Was really a tough road. I think I've spent a lot of time healing that child. Good blog. Brilliant picture.

Glad to hear you liked my acrylic painting. Doing this painting was quite a challenge because it was the first step of healing the inner child.

May we never lose that wonder. It is through the eyes of our inner child that we see and dream dreams.

So true! It's what make us smile when things turn sour. :0)

It is so true. We keep forgetting our joy. When we move on with our lives we are exposed to lots of stress and strain. If we search our child nature in the inner self, we will be able handle every situation if our life without stress.

Children are free from all sorts of mental congestions. They are always happy. When we grow up we automatically take lots of things to our mind. Discovering our child nature back helps. Thanks for the nice article. :-)

Thanks! We get tangled in the daily "grown-up nonsense" ,as my kid calls it, and forget to breath, relax and have fun.

Ha ha ha. "Grown-up nonsense" 😆😂 That's really true.

The creativity of a child is very special.

"As we grow older we tend to take ourselves too seriously and forget how much fun it is to fool around and enjoy a simple life. "

You got me with your first sentence. It's so true. There's a book by Charlie Hoehn - he cured his anxieties and depression with simply starting to implement acts of "play" again into his life. Indeed I believe connecting to that inner child again is a profound way of "healing" - instead of taking pills for the quick-fix.

A quick fix never addresses the root cause. It only sweeps it under the rug until it's too big to stay hidden and took a toll on you.

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