This is a drawing with a story | Daily Sketchbook

in #art6 years ago
This is a drawing with a story, the history of the navigator of the skies, his ship already worn out and his faithful companion carpenter robot.


A original drawing by @lopzdaniel

Its history begins in the year 2670, in a place unknown by man, the ship flies with dificuktad, it faces daily storms but in this opportunity there are favorable winds, and with good course, and under the command of Captain Dan it will arrive to the desrino fixed for a long, long time.

So I start the construction (drawing) of the ship.


This may not be a ship, and I accept it, but take into account that this ship was made with the remains of ships that were left adrift after the great apocalyptic confrontation between the cybor and humans. Humanity is never a rival so strong, until now they had always had only one rival, themselves.

Used materials

  • This art was developed on digital tablet.

Final Art.


I think we all have a Captain Dan inside who along with his inseparable friend carpenter robot, cross the skies after having faced the apocalypse of life.

Look old Daily Sketches

All Rights Reserved @lopzdaniel


Very Interesting universe you've started to show with these drawings.
Thanks for sharing :)

This is my friend, exploring new universes in drawing, thanks for commenting! I hope to see more of your drawing work is also very interesting!!! :)

you have a great talent @lopzdaniel, blessings

Thank you very much!!!! @enilekcays

Posted using Partiko Android

affff esta genial. <3


Posted using Partiko Android

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