Out of My Face

in #art7 years ago

I've been working hard to get back on schedule with my output of artwork. So as of late last night I signed the painting and finished. The painting is a little bit of how I've been feeling, trying to keep focused on the tasks at hand. 

There is a little story behind this painting. In fact, that story is another painting. Yes, under this painting is another painting that I never completed, one that eventually, I had to admit, I would never complete because I lost interest. So, I painted over it. The painting beneath, ended up contributing to the one that replaced it.

I have done this a number of times with my own canvases and that of ones rejected by other artists. The process is fun; giving new life to something that was destined for the scrap heap.

So in another way, the figure in the painting is like a celebrity shielding their private lives from prying eyes. You only get to get a glimpse, a hint of what is behind the thing that obscures it.

Maybe someday the painting will be x-rayed and the former painting will be discovered, but likely not. Only I will know the secret of what lies behind.

"Out of My Face", Leo Plaw, 30 x 24cm, oil on canvas
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I am not over-painting, but cutting up larger canvases, picking out the good parts. OK, yes, the left-overs get over-painted.

Hmm good idea with cutting parts, I do it with watercolors :) Now I will try with canvas.

I've seen that done before. A friend lost his patience with the canvas and slashed it. Then realising he needed the painting, he collaged the pieces onto a board. The end result was better than original. =)

I am seeing a little of Frazetta in your style. You know the works of Frazetta? His Bizarre methods?

Hi @pastbastard! I certainly do know of Frazetta and his works. But what are his bizarre methods you are referring to?

There is a film called "Painting With Fire." To paint a panther, he would go to the zoo and stare at if for 8 hours, then come home and paint. He also always waited until the commission was due, minus a few hours, before he started. I procrastinate the same way. Begin Christmas Shopping on 12-24 and you will finish it in one day!

Dürer and Da Vinci would do similar things. They would go out for the day and stalk people, observing their behaviours and their idiosyncrasies.

I do procrastinate a little, it takes me a couple of hours to get into the flow. I'm working on eliminating that. But leaving the work just before the deadline, that's madness!

Loved his artwork. Never knew much about the man until you gave the video link and I started watching a few others and reading. Nice prices for his originals now.

Interesting concept... I just found a canvas of an unfinished painting, that I pretty much forgot. My style and subjects have changed too much by now and I'd never finish it the way I started it. Maybe I should just paint over it too!

me, I am still scratching around on a 25 year old canvas I 'rescued' from my Canadian place last summer. Good one to smear left-over paint on to it. Sometimes I play with some details. My life project. As long as it is not finished, I stick around .........

Good trick... I'll have to remember it 👻

Fuchs was like that with his Apocalypse Chapel. His fear was if he finished it, his life would be over. Sadly, it kind of proved prophetic.

26 years, that beats my 15 years unfinished canvas. =)

Try it! It is rather liberating. The work you put in on the original painting doesn't feel such a waste in the end because it becomes part of the underpainting for the new one.

absolutely gorgeous work! fantastic detail throughout!

I like your style ,
And my impression , you'll always find a fear that hopes to stay anonymous ,,,

What is life without a good secret or mystery? =)

this is so great! I love how you balance the masculinity and vulnerability.

Really great work! I love the colors.

Know that feeling so well, like when you put sign on hotel room with - do not disturb -
Very well expressed everything in his eyes and look. Like this one a lot!

Thank you @jungwatercolor! Read what happened next. It seems he had a reason to protect himself. ;-)


o come on, that's some night shock! I just can imagine situation, worst. Well now you learned lesson, close the bottles. It's good for your health and your paintings :) It's good it turned ok at the end.

Yes, luck me. Lesson learned. =)

Holy crap...amazing work.

Reminds me of the special covers they put out for the "Preacher" Graphic Novels.

Its fun, as artists, to sometimes have that little secret in a piece of work. Sometimes hiding a meaning or suggestion in the curve of a line or the detail of a garment that one would need to really study to ever find. Our own little 'illuminati' symbols in a way ;)

(secret handshake) ;-)

It is quite amusing when somebody has your own personal joke hanging on their wall.

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