Don't Bank on Your Banksy

in #art6 years ago (edited)

So Banksy does it again. One of his artworks shredded itself the moment it was sold on Auction at Sotheby's. The art world news was abuzz with the story this morning. The photo above is priceless, capturing the moment of shock when the artwork went into "auto-distruct".

The moment the hammer went down for a price of £860,000 ($1.1 million USD), an alarm sounded and the artwork became confetti. Some theorise that the artist himself was in the crowd of the auction and initiated the shredder built into the frame via remote control. Normally if an artwork is damaged before it leaves the auction house, the sale is cancelled. However, Southeby auctioneers are arguing that the action has now increased the artwork's worth.

Some are applauding this as a brilliant "anti-capitalist" statement, however seriously misunderstand the art market with such statements. Banksy is well aware of this, thus the artwork was not completely destroyed. He's savvy enough to know that worth of the work will skyrocket.

Banksy pranks everyone. The anti-capitalist Lefties see him as a champion of the people giving the finger to the elite, having come from his urban street art roots. But his 2010 film, "Exit Through the Gift Shop", is a clear statement that he "sold out". Banksy is on no one's side except his own. He'll prank who ever he sees fit, and is happy to profit from it when he can. This is consistent with the mercurial nature of his artwork. You think you have the world neatly boxed up with your biases, Banksy will have you think again.

Perhaps he should rename himself, Pranksy. He's certainly capable of some ingenious trickery and long term planning. Auction house Sotheby's acquired the artwork in 2006, which means Banksy has been waiting at least 12 years to pull off this stunt.


Photos: Dan Fleyshman and Casterline Goodman Gallery

Information: Vice

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The action has been planned since 2006? I am very amazed that he managed to do it successfully. I would probably lose the remote or it might stop working during all those years.
Amazing, thank you for sharing this news :).

It's certainly a bit of long term planning and patience. He's obviously not a Millennial. Unless the receiving device is damaged or the battery dies, then there's no reason it would not remain functioning for a very long time. I see the power source as the biggest issue.

Ha! Yes, losing the remote would be a huge anticlimax. But if he's capable of such long term planning, he must have had the foresight to have backup controls. Who knows, maybe he did it over a smartphone with WiFi or even BlueTooth. No one would take notice of some one looking at their phone.

Hmmm... ideas, ideas...

Dude!!! Hilarious. Banksy is awesome.

Turns out Exit Through the Gift Shop is just another of his ‘pranks’ :)

"Exit Through the Gift Shop", was made possible because Damian Hirst teamed up with Banksy, giving him the art market inside connections and money. Both of them are pranksters, which is why Hirst collaborated with Banksy.

haha! howdy from Texas leoplaw! wow this is crazy! I hadn't heard of this but it's amazing, thank you for the story!

Greetings from the other side of the pond @janton! Yes, it's causing a bit of stir online.

I saw this prank and it's hilarious. I'd hate to be that auction winner... Although the shredded remains are probably MORE valuable having the story attached to it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well, if they do convince everyone it is more valuable shredded, then you's certainly want to be the auction winner. =) But I guess what you mean, is you'd hate to be in their shoes the moment it happened because of the shock.

I was wondering what has been going on. I can see this being a prank by Banksy, but in planning since 2006? That seems a bit unrealistic. A few years maybe but 12??

Why not? There are people who are certainly capable of long term planning and patience, especially those who are older than Millennials. 3:)

What is questionable however, is the power source remaining viable after 12 years. Therefore, I'm tending to think there had to be inside help from some one in Southeby's.

I have to give you that. As we get older we do gain patience to do something like this. I like the theory that he was either in the crowd or a private bidder. I do agree someone in Sotheby's had to be in on it unless that is the original frame. So many questions. I love a good mystery like this. I love the statement as much.

I belive most artists create for themselves only and never dream of their work growing to this extent.

That is the original frame. It was stated that artwork was purchased with the frame.

Who knows, since the "elite" artists are always trying to outdo each other with "statements", auctions could become very interesting after this. =)

I heard about this. So much publicity and planning. I wonder if the person who bought it probably knew? Not that it won't be worth even more now that it was part of a 'live art piece' I mean, it's like you are buying static art and then you get the value added of it having been a 'performance piece' highly recorded. Art, in so many ways, is theatre and investment. Crazy ole world.

One does wonder who was in on the joke. Questions are being asked if people inside Southeby's coordinated with Banksy.

The trolling level is so high it's in god mode.

Very cool idea. But I would have liked to see the whole thing shredded. Banksy is a clever guy that is very aware of the financial side of the art world and benefits greatly from it.
There are similarities to crypto in the artworld and I'm sure he his thinking how to use it.
Recently I was checking out Pixel Master on EOS. A 1000 x 1000 canvas where you can buy pixel and then sell it for profit. It is interesting to see how it is playing out with one dot worth $25,000. I know this started on Steem last year call Steem Pixel.
Slowly but surely art on the blockchain will become a thing

Posted using Partiko Android

Maybe the whole thing didn't shred because the batteries were slowly running out over 12+ years. But, I think the end effect was still the same. Shock!!! The looks on their faces are priceless. =D

Selling pixels is actually as old as when the internet went mainstream, back in 1995. Did the idea succeed? It needed 20+ years for people to forget about it and "reinvent" it again.

Slowly but surely art on the blockchain will become a thing

Yes, people will try out all of the permutations to find out which ones will work.

That is just too funny! Epic.

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