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RE: 📷 Whip Performance // Take Festival 😍

in #art5 years ago

Hahaha art can be really funny sometimes. I wonder how long I'd stand there watching someone walk in circles?

In my head: "Ummm is she going to do something. Yeah she looks pretty intense, she is definitly going to do something cool."

15 minutes pass.

"Holy shit I've been watching this person walk in circles for 15minutes. Am I just wasting my time? How long should I wait. I've come this far, I better keep watching."

Another 15 minutes pass.

"Okay I'm leaving, this is stupid"

Whhhiiiippppshshshshsh (whipping sound)

"whoa. shes whipping that wall. I knew this would be fucking awesome...totally worth the wait."


Posted using Partiko Android


lol, yes the show had a suspense element but the waiting was worth it :)

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