Sketching the vibrant details : Thean Hou Temple live sketching [Timelapse]

in #art6 years ago

Photo 10-03-2018, 6 44 26 pm.jpg

Last weekends was quite a laidback holiday as i was just home doing some errands and suddenly got a call from @choiko82, inviting me to come to sketch at a chinese temple in KL where he was at. He said that he was curious and he wants to see how i would interpret the scene into my i thought yeah, why not? How hard would it be anyway right?

and so i went there at the Thean Hou Temple...

...and little that i know..

...the place is super populated with AMAZING DETAILS...

Photo 10-03-2018, 4 53 01 pm.jpg

Photo 10-03-2018, 4 51 31 pm.jpg

it was sooooo detailed i dont event know how to start. O_O

Photo 10-03-2018, 4 51 20 pm.jpg

So i thought theres a nice place to sit and sketch and it offers a nice-but so-hard-to-sketch ambiance with the lots of hanging lanterns with their shadows casted on the floor i thought would be a nice challenge.

Photo 10-03-2018, 6 47 24 pm.jpg

When i recce around the place i found an unused table near a storage area. I thought to really embrace this challenge, i need the right comfortable setting to work with so we pulled the table shamelessly to the sitting area with a promise to put it back later. lol.

Photo 10-03-2018, 6 43 15 pm.jpg

And so this is where we decided to sketch with this view;

Photo 10-03-2018, 4 43 11 pm.jpg

and so i did took my time for about 1 hour sketching the scene on a Fabriano 300gsm Rough Surface Cold Pressed Watercolour paper with watercolour and a fountain pen with waterproof carbon ink.


Although i felt like giving up halfway because it seems like not turning out fine at first, but i kept on going and im glad i did. :)

Photo 10-03-2018, 6 42 46 pm.jpg

@choiko82 took a more 'coward' move to just make it black and white...hahaha :P



Both of you are truly amazing.... check my post on the Kek Lok Si temples I posted 2 weeks ago, you would have loved to be there especially when you could draw at night...

I think i know that one! But i never sketch that though..😁 thank you!

Kek Lok Si during CNY is simply beautiful... just have a look at the photos I posted more than a week ago.. you'll see.

I love your sketch! It brings the temple alive. And thanks for showing us how you approached it too.

Very good work man! The detail in a sketch like this is mind-boggling. I wouldn't have had a clue where to begin.

It turned out to be a fantastic piece of art and you did well with your colours too. I'd love to see more posts like this. I don't normally throw out follows like this but you deserve this one. Can't wait to see me. Keep up the fantastic work.

Looks amazing, man!

sangat2 best... the sketches are awesome!

now you already know that i LOVE your watercolors and how you translate the scenery around you to paper. And now I see youve already done the B&W photo challenge a few weeks ago, so my nomination for you is a little different than my post. I challenge you to do just ONE scenery sketch, in all black and white. If youre interested in playing, that is. Have a wonderful day!!

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