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RE: Wire Art - Thor, The God of Thunder

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Ah @starjewel, what a wonderful and love-full project! It was lovely hearing your voice tell your love story, travel adventures included with
"The Mr. Thor"! He's quite the Guy, carefully, skillfully, and dare I say, "LOVINGLY" created from your wildly imaginative mind and very being!

Well done! Told you I was looking forward to your pieces! Meant it!

Of course, Upvoting and Resteeming

P.S. Is it me, or does Thor look a little bit like @davemccoy? Eh, @beeyou? @starjewel, you described "Thor was always ready for adventure". Could that be our @davemccoy?


Aww @kismet2018.... you are awesome and you guys make me laugh so hard! It is so funny you said that he looks a little like @davemccoy .... all my girlfriends who saw my Thor said something similar... my daughter said he looks like a teacher she had a big crush on him in high school... my sister lol... check this out ... she said he looks like her old neighbor she had a secret crush on about 10 years ago... I think that this wire sculpture has a great personality, because it symbolizes strength, power but also rebellion ... Thor was always ready for adventure and confrontation. I don't know our friend Dave very well, but I guess he has some of these qualities... not to mention he is also very handsome ;) he he ... Hey @beeyou what you're saying, girl?

Hi @starjewel. Your Thor is a wonderful piece. All those wires and detailed work is incredible. I enjoyed hearing you in the video. :) You must have been very focused, as to not 'poke' yourself with those wire ends when working on him. I love that you infused a face into your wire scuplure. As you mentioned, we individually see different souls in that strong face.

Teacher, neighbor, and all with secret crushes?! Lol, now our very own @davemccoy? I would agree Dave as having strength, power and a streak of the bad boy rebellion in his nature. As for handsome, let's not inflate his ego any more. He has over 5k followers that can sing of his good praises. ;)

haha... yes... finally! You have figured out that I'm a bad boy. One thing I've learned in life is that the ladies like you, @kismet2018, and @starjewel all love the bad boys!

Watch out Spikey, the ladies are filling my head with lots of confidence... I may erase those pouty lips and sex bed head from my mind and heart forever!

Bad boy McCoy. Nice twang to it, don't ya think?

:P they are quite funny @starjewel, but you better watch out... They (@kismet2018 and @beeyou) are pure trouble, trust me!!! ;)

I'm not going to lie, I do like Thor's adventure and confrontational nature... So of course you can compare me to him... lol :D (especially the latest movies where he's in his 20s and has really really big muscles!!!)

And you made my day by saying I was handsome!!! You made me blush!!! (but don't encourage @beeyou to join in, she can be quite mean to me if she hasn't had her coffee yet) ;)

I just noticed something, @starjewel's Thor is a bit like a male version of your Spikey...soulful onyx eyes, sensual lips, and a bedhead of silky smooth beads. 😊

I agree @beeyou... I'm happy to be labeled as such... I know it is every woman's dream! :P

Especially the beaded hair!!! :D

The force is with you! You got a 24.75% upvote from @steemyoda courtesy of @davemccoy!

@kismet2018, now that you say it, I can see @davemccoy in those strong cheekbones and soulful eyes. ;)

You see? Lol 😆 We truly elevated him to goodhood, I am laughing like crazy here by myself. Our beloved @davemccoy has soulful eyes... I told you @beeyou, you are a poet, you found the right description of Thor’s eyes, I was looking for these words.

Heyyyy @starjewel it was "godhood" not "goodhood"... I must keep my bad boy image or you ladies might ditch me and send me back into the arms of that treacherous Spikey again. ;)

I'm having too much fun to go groveling back to that selfish no good *.... (insert your own four letter word) ;)

Oops it was auto-correct problem, of course I ment godhood 😃

haha... phew... I was hoping that it was a typo... The ladies seem to like me more now that you granted me the Thor bad boy image! I have never felt so popular .... lol :P

Please give us a spinoff of Thor @starjewel. What happens to his godlike status when all the ladies are fawning over his bad boy popularity?

1..Thor becomes stronger and stronger because as a god, he thrives off of the devotion of the people.

2.. Thor lets his 'godhood' status get to his head and eventually finds himself dethroned by a humble servant.

3..We'll let Thor relish a little in his godlike status. How else will we continue to have fun? ;)

Lol, of course you meant godhood!

Norse godhood?!! @starjewel, we will never hear the end of it now. LOL. Soulful mischievous eyes..pierces straight to the heart!

Thor's jeweled gentle eyes are much cooler. :)

If you zoom in the pic, you will see the iris is made with faceted silver flat beads (sterling silver actually) and I glued a rhinestone in the center. My intention was ‘piercing eyes’ ...

You mean like this... lol

No, please! That is too devilish a look. I prefer the white collar bad any day!

hahaha... I wish I resembled the norse god, especially as depicted by @seajewel!!!

You are too funny @kismet2018 :P .... And you better be careful, if you and your allies @beeyou and @seajewel aren't careful, you ladies might just find yourselves written in the my first adventure! :D

Giggling here ... Well that will just teach Spikey, wouldn't it, @davemccoy?! Sure she left, but you are resilient! Not only did you survive her departure, you managed somehow to be elevated to Norse godhood, duly flanked and adoringly supported by
the likes of @beeyou, @starjewel and moi, of course!

I am so looking forward to your adventure, Dave ... and @beeyou's and @starjewel's comments ... haha

hahahaha Really guys, you're something else. Gotta go run some errands, will be back soon... I have more stories about Spikey, I am starting "Spikey Saga". We will all find characters to relate to. Trust me. Please notice that you spell my screen name wrong, it is starjewel not seajewel. I guess seajewel is more relevant now because of the "fishies" ... lol... but I chose starjewel because of my imagination that sometimes reaches the stars.

Awww ... so sorry about "seajewel", @starjewel! I was able to correct these comments, but I probably have it elsewhere because I have been chatting with and about you! Winks!!!

We are looking forward to more on the "Spikey Saga"! I believe you, @beeyou and I have "harassed" him into writing about his part in her saga!

This is going to be fun!

but I chose starjewel because of my imagination that sometimes reaches the stars.

I love that imagination of yours.

Yes @kismet2018... I am so happy to be bestowed with this elevation! And with such lovely ladies at my side too! I hope Spikey is jealous, it deserves her right for all the heartache she has spread! :P

Did I ever say I 'adored' @davemccoy?! Someone please find me that comment. I need to see where that is noted on the blockchain history.

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