Amazing Paper Art's
Lately, the art of paper is so popular, besides being used for home decoration, paper works produced by the hands of experts are being exhibited in museums. One of the things that caught my attention during a visit to the Tsunami Museum - Banda Aceh, was an exhibition room that presented art from paper decorated with LED lights which illustrated the Tsunami incident when it struck Aceh in 2004 ago. Here are some photos I took while visiting there.
Well, that's some of the photos that I present, hopefully adding insight. It is very beautiful, and art can be presented from objects around us, with the hands of experts all will be transformed into something that is valuable and has a high value.
Lhokseumawe, August 2018
vote witness good-karma
Sangat menyentuh tema yang disajikan
Mengenag memory lama dengan karya seni kertas yang luar biasa @khanza.aulia
Kita harus mengapresiasi karya tangan sang seniman yang begitu mengunggah mata kita.
Apakah warna itu timbul dari lampu lampion ?
Anda sangat berseni dalam mengambil gambar
Saya yakin anda adalah seniman dan saya mendoakannya untuk itu...
Terimakasih @khanza.aulia telah berbagi karya yang tak ternilai ini .
Apresiasi penuh buat anda
terimakasih bang @wiralhokseumawe
Sama-sama @khanza.aulia
Semoga apa yang dicita-citakan dapat terwujud
Salam hangat dan sukses selalu....
wow....... bagus sekali gambarnya, anda membuat sesuatu yang biasa menjadi luar biasa. good job. @khanza .aulia.
terimakasih kak @aronnaawe hehe...
Those are amazing photos, Mr. @khanza.aulia
Great shooted!
thanks Mrs. @ettydiallova. Salam dari aceh untuk saudara-saudara di Taiwan :)
Waallaikum salam wr wb,,
Sure! I'll tell them😊
So I liked your post because your post has been great.
thank you so much :)
Indah sekali @khanza aulia 😊😊
Posted using Partiko Android
Terimakasih kak @ainee
samasama @khanza aulia
Posted using Partiko Android
Nice miniature work. All the best.
wow... many thanks :)
Aww what a great work you share @khanza.aulia, above photos are so fascinated .. you have awesome experience when you visit that mesuem...those paper artistic are great..
Thanks for share.
Hehe Thank you @davidad, im so glad :)
Very beautiful and artistic! What an amazing ability. I think, an artistic imagination that managed to reach the charm of visitors to the Tsunami Meseum. Can't wait to continue to follow the other wonderful works that are extraordinary. Whether it is from the hands of Bang Khanza himself or from other art workers who are scattered in the land of Aceh. Saleum Aneuk Nanggroe! ☺
Keren, itu bahan pameran baru yang di lantai dua?
Benar bang @dodolzk... 😀
bagus sekali,salam kenal
terimakasih,,, salam kenal kembali