Art of Wood Photography - Seni Foto Kayu

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Wood fallen often found lying on the beach. Sometimes the wood is carried by the waves. For a photographer, that woods is very interesting to be object of photo.

Besides lighting and photo angle, there are three main points that make photos become stronger photo, they are :

1. Curve of Wood
The wooden branches are certainly not stiff, it curves naturally. Due to seawater erosion, the shape of the wooden branch becomes more beautiful.

2. Streaks of Wood
Streaks of Wood are varied and there is not same each others. Choose clearly Streaks of wood, that will be looks clear in the photo.

3. Color of Wood
The color of Wood that has fallen usually change color to varied. Usually color become turns pale white. Choose a bright one.

These three points, if we combine with good lighting and angles photo, Certainly will produce good photos.

*Good Luck :)

Notes :
Im Indonesian, my language is Bahasa. Im learning English. Your critic is usefull to improve my English
Tq so much :)

Kayu mati sering kita jumpai tergeletak di tepi pantai. Terkadang kayu mati tersebut terombang ambing terbawa ombak. Bagi pencinta fotografi, tentu kayu kayu tersebut sangat menarik untuk dijadikan objek foto.
Selain pencahayaan dan sudut pandang foto, ada tiga poin utama yang bisa kita jadikan sebagai kekuatan foto kayu, yaitu :

1. Lengkungan Dahan
Dahan kayu tentu tidak kaku, ia melengkung alami. Akibat kikisan air laut, bentuk dahan kayu tersebut menjadi lebih indah.

2. Guratan Kayu
Guratan kayu atau urat urat kayu yang meliuk liuk bermacam macam dan tak ada yang sama. Pilihlah guratan kayu yang tegas, agar tampak jelas saat di foto.

3. Warna Kayu
Kayu yang telah mati biasanya akan berubah warna menjadi beragam. Biasanya kayu mati berubah warna menjadi putih pucat. Pilihlah warna kayu yang terang.

Ketiga poin tersebut, jika di kombinasikan dengan pencahayaan dan sudut pandang yang baik, tentu akan menghasilkan foto yang bagus.

Selamat mencoba :)






I didn't knwo wood can be so interesting and beautiful :) Amazing pictures. Keep it coming. You got my upvote!

Yeah.. Tq so much for apreciate my post :)

I like the ones that look bleach white and smoothed and softened. People gather these up and design their zen gardens around their house.

Yeah, some people take that wood to decorate their house
Tq so much my dear friend :)

The second picture, like a bud somebody alien comes out of the water))

Yeahh, tq so much my dear friend :)

powerfull of art,AWESOME @kakilasak

Tq my bro :)

Terimakasih telah berbagi brother, nice picture. Semoga jadi photograper yang profesional.

Aminnn :) tq bro... 😆

nice shot..beautiful view..!!

The first and third photos seem more attractive due to more pronounced contrast and saturation. I like it more.

Tq for your apreciate :)

Nice photos "dead trees"

Td nya mau pake kata dead wood, tp takot salah haha

Foto yang indah kawan ^_^

Terimakasih bro :)

Good post and great picture, good job brother :)

Tq so much my bro @kemal13 😁😁😁

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