Digital sketch my grandson as "Deadpool" - for his birthday

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Hi there Steemians. What to do when its a grandson's birthday and he's far away in the 'States? 

I spoke to the other grandchildren and they told me that he loves Deadpool! He wants a Deadpool costume for Halloween!! So, here goes my boy!!

I went the route of doing a sketch of him in a Deadpool outfit. There was very little time so I would have to move....

Here follows a preview:

The Preview

Just a "teaser" of the end result. I had little over 2 hours to do this - so I had to keep the painting rough and loose.

First - Get the head drawn...

I was lucky here. I got the likeness  recognizable and could proceed to the "blocking in" of color...

"Blocking In" 

I do most of my digital work using PhotoShop. Here, I placed the basic colors in a layer underneath the linework. Keeping the brush large, thus avoiding overworking the painting.

Adding more detail

Keeping the brushwork simple. (I didn't have the time to be too detailed here!!!) I use the number 24 brush in Photoshop for most of my work. Adding detail, now in the same layer as the sketch. When complete, I will add a drawing of the costume...

A rough sketch of Deadpool's costume

Just the basic markings. I changed from the original pose to a more "Action-like" stance and then added the costume colors....

The finished job...Hope he likes it!!

I added keylines just to give the whole sketch a comic-like look. Sent it off about 2 hours ago. He's still at school. I love to help the kids use imagination and fantasy. They, in turn, are getting creative and following in my footsteps.

Hope you like it !


Awesome work. I didn't know what Deadpool was, but I guess it is some kind of super hero. Again great work and Happy Birthday to your grandson.

Really cool! I'm sure he lost his mind when he saw it. Great work. I am following

He loved it @art-mess. Thanks for the comments

Excellent as usual!

Ya bro, you are telling right. I am agree with you.

Cool man

Very cool art work

Thank you very much

He must have LOVED it! It’s a real exceptional work of art!

Thank you @carjhb. I was away for hip replacement surgery so apologies for the delay! Appreciate the feedback

Speedy recovery - hope your new hip makes all the difference

So far so good thank you

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