🎨 Water-forest /watercolor work/ Vodene šume/akvarel

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Forest reflecting in water, river..moments that can be captivating..and for artists one more inspiration for work.
This subject may be called continuing of my work on forest subject that is something I am doing for years now.
In this pieces it's more of testing technique and paper, more than going into exact shapes of trees.
This is first of them that I am presenting here.

Šume koje se ogledaju u vodi, reci...momenti koji mogu zaista biti posebni..a za umetnike bivaju još jedna inspiracija.
Ovu temu možemo nazvati i nastavkom mog rada na temi šuma, temi koju obradjujem već godinama.
Ovaj rad je poslužio više za isprobavanje same tehnike i papira, više nego što sam se bavila samim oblicima drveća.


Rather small format, 25x25cm on Fabriano Artistico watercolor paper, done with White Nights watercolors.
On details you can spot just slight adding white deck color. It's not something I do usually but since this is first one made, some corrections and clearings had to be done.

Dosta mali format, 25x25cm na Fabriano Artistico papiru debljine 300gr, slikan sa White Nights akvarel bojama.
Na detalju možete primetiti dodavanje bele pokrivne boje. Ne činim to često, no pošto je ovo prvi komad iz serije, neke korekcije su bile neminovne.


All the time was struggle how to achieve moment of water, but not to paint water.

Svo vreme sam se trudila d apostignem efekat vode, ali na način da je ne slikam.


At the end I came satisfied with outcome and made one more, and this days I am working on one bigger piece. Hope for several days I will be able to share it here with you guys in form of step-by-step post.

Na kraju sam ipak bila zadovoljna ishodom i naslikala sam jos jednu iz serije. Ovih dana slikam veći format ove teme i nadam se da ću za koji dan moći da je podelim sa vam ovde u formi korak po korak posta.


Really would like to hear your opinions, judgment and feelings about this peace since it's something new, even for me..

Zaista bi mi značilo da čujem vaše mišljenje i sud vezan za ovu sliku pošto je nova čak i za mene.

Hvala vam što me pratite i glasate za moje postove

Thank you for following and upvoting :)



Видео сам, прилично давно, код једног другара аквареле малог формата који мало поиздаље делују као прелепи пејзажи. Кад приђеш ближе, видиш само мрље водених боја, @jungwatercolor. АЛи то је уметност — да потезом изазовеш утисак код посматрача. Какав ће тај утисак бити, зависи од његовог искуства. Свака новорођена беба би вероватно видела само мрље :)

Da da @lighteye, apsolutno saglasna..za mene je to uvek bilo fascinantno i izazov, iz fleke izvuci oblik koji dise :)

lovely.. I can see the sea in it, but also mountains, roots and trees..

Thank you @marty-arts, some people find it hard to see here what I meant, but still making them brings great joy to me :)

Beautiful rhythms of water flowing without it having to look like water. Love the concept ~ And imagine it would be a beautiful experience holding the feeling of water within you as you were painting.

Love the idea of doing some small ones and then allowing the bigger ones to come from those explorations. 🦋

Thank you dear @allyinspirit :) Looks like two of us understand water in similar way . With those smaller is interesting when ordering them one by one in line, than you can really feel water. Will have to make third one small and than post them together here.

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