🎨 Butterfly Lady / watercolor work

in #art6 years ago

Surprise, surprise...

I have been away again, this time it's my medical condition made me felt like person having no energy..
I was wondering for weeks what is happening to me, having no energy, no will to communicate, sleeping all the time I can..
and I got my answer making blood analysis, and realized I hit jack-pot or
a n e m i a .

And entering market and Steemit after a while, looks like similar symptoms hit the market :)

What is happening? My wallet looks different, some crazy numbers at the bottom?
Well, what ever it is, hope it won't last long..


And between making my blood looks better, drinking and eating all healthy staff, I manage some time for painting.
So ladies and gentleman I give you Butterfly lady.
I wrote about her beginning here


After some time she is finally finished.
I hope I will be able to do some work these days since my energy is still low and trying to rest as much as I can.

IMG_3295 (1).jpg

Hope to see you soon, and don't be angry if I don't answer quick, I am really trying to be back on tracks :)

Have a nice and day full with energy guys!


Your finished painting is fantastic! I love this water color painting! Hopefully you researched the best foods to get iron from since you found out you are anemic!

O I am eating and drinking all the iron food, I am joking next step is eating real iron bars hahaha.
Thank you so much, happy to hear you like this one @violetmed :)

Beautiful painting, it's always really inspiring how you manage the skin tones and the mix of warm and cold colors.

I hope you're feeling better☺️. I usually have low blood pressure, it really frustrates me when I realize it's making me tired.

I hit jack-pot or a n e m i a .

Добродошла у клуб, @jungwatercolor :(

Надам се да је твоја излечива.

Pa nadam se da jeste i da je samo posledica premora i moje neredovne ishrane. Jel to znaci da ti imas ovu goru varijantu?
Kljukam se sa svim i svacim a salim se da mogu slobodno da me prekrste u Cvekla :)
Malo sam posustala od komunikacije na mrezi, ali proci ce.

Jel to znaci da ti imas ovu goru varijantu?

Значи. Нисам на време обратио пажњу на симптоме…

Uf, ja kad vratim film izgleda da sam bas dugo vukla isto, zamor, lupanje srca, nemanje vazduha, puno spavanja, lose raspolozenje, nemanje energije..a sve sam pripisivala kao..zivim u Srbiji, pa kao to je normalno :)))

spectacular work of art, artistic mu I congratulate you friend.

mene ovaj akvarel podseca na slike iz bukvara krajem devedesetih... <3

E, pa hvala. Malo sam starijeg izdanja pa na zalost ne znam kako su izgledali ti bukvari :) No hvaala veliko svakako @divisionbell.

So beautiful, @jungwatercolor <3 I love her ! The patterns on her robe is gorgeous and as usual, your soft and delicate colours are very delightful to look at <3 Very lovely picture <3 <3 <3

I am so glad to know you are on the mend. And what a lovely piece you've given us anyway, so beautiful.

Stay healthy and keep painting, it's good for the soul. :)

What a wonderful beauty, I really like the shine of that yellow. It looks like gold <3. And the rest of the colours are beautiful and they work well together.

It is gold, golden watercolor I got last year. It gives great effects with motives I use @scrawly.

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