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RE: Practicing imperfektion

in #art8 years ago

Re Imperfektion - there's another mistake in this post besides the deliberate cutesy one in the title...and I'm not telling you b/c I know you are OCD enough to go back over the post and find it. And when you do, practice mindfulness and savour each step of the process countrygirl LOL!!


HA!!! I found it. Now it's perfekt.! And, I savoured the correction.....every step of being frustrated while I found it and repaired it. It was such a blessing, thank you for pointing it out. Now, I'm going to read YOUR story.....#imnotvindictiveeither.

ha ha...okay. If you find a mistake though I'll cry like a little girl. I hate making mistakes, and I make them all the time

c'est dommage

mli, mli, mli... (cat crying in French)

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