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RE: Where Does "Inspiration" Come From?

in #art7 years ago

Ah I was just thinking about inspiration today! I was searching for it myself, and I had the thought that we generally expect inspiration to just come to us. If it hasn't come, it isn't there... kind of thing.

Whereas perhaps the truth is that although sometimes inspiration does just come, other times we have to work for it. Dig for it, and create it where there seems to be none.

Logically, in this universe of infinite possibilities, it seems to me that there should be inspiration to be found in every millisecond of every day..?

But I've had plenty of those days where I just can't seem to get fired up and my point is blunt as it were!


Thanks for your comment @johleen! Just this morning, I was thinking about how I was feeling a bit "blah" again, so I got to thinking about how I need to put myself in (creative) "harms way" in order for inspiration to strike.

Of course, we're not talking about actual harm here... but just trying to retrace my steps towards things that have previously "triggered" creativity. Like working in the yard... or cooking. It's almost inevitable that a creative inspiration strikes me when I am LEAST able to act on it... in the middle of cooking a complex meal, or up to my elbows in dirt and dust and muck.

So I cooked a full breakfast. And sure enough... got ideas for three articles and made some hurried sketches while flipping the bacon.

Haha! That's a good point actually... maybe the answer is to make sure you have no laptop, no pen or paper, no phone and no other way of actually doing anything with a new strike of inspiration... and then it will surely come! :)

Oooh, I have just remembered that doing headstands is supposed to help with inspiration... added blood flow to the head and all that. I've not tried this though. Perhaps I should do this when I'm at work in the office tomorrow.

It will start a bit of gossip if nothing else heehee!

Hadn't heard that about handstands... but it would definitely give people something to talk about!

Haha! Yes, maybe you would end up being someone else's inspiration!!

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