
in #art8 years ago

Salutation Forward Thinkers-

Today I took a bike ride to the Detrout Instiute of Art...also known as the DIA. As I locked my bycycle to the bikerack...I spoke with one of the guards and asked her what her favorite piece in the Musuem was and she mentioned an artist I have not heard of...Jacob Isaaksz Van I asked the information attended and she pulled up the artist and let me know that he was A Dutch painter and can be found on the third floor. 

As I strolled the halls...peering into galleries as I passed...a sense of astonishment over came me...and gratitude that people cared enough to create master pieces...let alone preserve them. 

When I arrived to the gallery that house the Ruisdale pieces...there happen to be a docent speaking on one of his, 'The Jewish Cementry". I found out he was the premier land scape artist of his time...and they are magnificent. 

Art is such an excellent way to express oneself...yet generally take time and patience to make a master piece...however, the time is well spent, because the beauty will last generations for people to enjoy. 

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