Original Artwork - Contest Entry for @techslut Avatar

in #art7 years ago (edited)

But of course I'm late. sigh~

Soooooo @techslut was holding a contest for her new Avatar and from time to time I enjoy a bit of a "prompt" for my drawings so I decided to do it.

Hadn't realised though, that she'd given a time limit of only a week and we were already like 2 days in when I realised, and then I was also on my way from Vienna, Austria back to Montreal, Canada and with being on the road for over 24 hours and then the time zone difference, and I don't even know what else- well, long story short:

I'm a day late.

arrrgh~~ !

AaaAaAaanyhow, here it is.
Hope you like. ;) I'm rather fond of it myself, if I may say so. There's some contrast and value issues here and there, but ahhh well. shrug. I'm still learning.


aaand here's a detail crop:
Untitled_Artwork detail.png

For those interested, I created this completely digitally on an IpadPro + Apple Pencil with the fantastic app Procreate.

I'm wondering btw if offering my services as an Illustrator over Steemit might not be a valid idea. Maybe small things in exchange for some SBD. hmmmmm...

What do you guys think?
Is there a potential clientele for Illustration Commissions on this platform you reckon?
And how do you think I should go about offering my services?
I'm really interested in your opinions.

Also would you be interested in seeing Time Lapses of some of my art?
Procreate has this really cool time lapse thing going, and you can export them very easily.
Let me know if you'd like to see something like that.

Cheerio my friends,

Until the next time~


Terrific piece of art Jill, I think you did rather well on this one!
Always nice to meet another Klingon.
TaH pagh taHbe'

thank you darlin. ♥
haha yeah I saw she was a fan on her facebook pics, it was too good not to use XD

Fun fact: I used to be the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps ambassador in Israel.

nuqDaq yuch Dapol

Siiiiiiick. O_O
There's definitely more to you than meets the eye, my new pink haired friend, and that's saying something because there's already a lot of awesome that meets the eye!

Oh, do go on! <3

OMG it's so prettttyyyyy! And the little Klingon symbol on the bag!!!!!! Well, you got my 100% upvote. And I would be interested in time lapses! And also think there are plenty of people on the platform who'd love an original Jill. :)

haha thank you @techslut! I'm super glad you like it. :D
I'll totally post the time-lapse for this then. :)
Oooohweeeh! It would be rad to get a few commissions going at some point. it keeps me drawing ;)
Edit : NYOHMAHGAWD THANK YOUUUU~~~~ ! (you know what for ;D ) ♥

Brilliant art, shame you were late. Still get the upvotes at least, and hopefully a couple new followers (like me).

Regarding for for commission, the platform really lends itself for non-professionals. Some of the pay you get for the post, which can be everyone who supports you, and some from the client. Together, it should be enough for anyone that doesn't have opportunities to work for big clientele.

Thank you @poet!
Yeah, well, story of my life haha
But hey, the post is doing well, so yaaay! And thank you for the follow, much, much appreciated.

Sweet. Yeah I'd like to do a couple of small commissions here and there. With a full-time job I don't really have the time to go look for, or do bigger projects (for bigger clients) but it's always nice to have something that's an additional motivator to keep drawing. I've sorely gotten out of practice since I started working in 3D.
Can't have my drawing skills getting rusty, now can I ! ;)

So freaking gorgeous <3
And I'm sure many people here would like to hire you for some SBDs ^_^

Thank youuu! ♥
sweet. I hope so too. I shall investigate muahaha

Oh oh oh! I love the dragon, especially her face. Love the kitty sitting shotgun and the techy details (headphones, glasses) - so much that stands out with unique personality. I've followed you and look forward to more of your art. I hope you find some clients here, as well. You've got such talent. :)

Oh yaay~!
Thank youuu~~!
Yeah I'm rather fond of the lady dragon too. I'm surprised how well she turned out actually, because I dont draw dragons often XD
Whoohoo! thanks for the follow! ❤

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