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RE: Creativebot cannon

in #art7 years ago

BOOM! This is spot on! I really wish I could get into the blast radius so that I could soak up some of them creativity. Looking at the drawing makes me feel so positive. Maybe it's the colors haha! Great work with this, mate! Don't feel pressured with the steemlords sketchies. Life comes first :D


Glad it makes you happy XD Pastelly light colours do seem to lift moods, and I should have done colour theory and psychology and thus know all these things but I didn't end up doing art at uni because "there was no future in it" (just like with graphic design, and guess what all my jobs while I was studying and shortly after graduating were in, however probably just as well I didn't XD).

I can't help feeling pressured I'm so far behind it's not even funny XD It's been a long time ince I've done comics though so I forget how long they take especially when I get on a roll. Even when they are as basic as the ones I'm doing now with no dialogue XD (and no dialogue because that would make the composition take longer)

What if pastel light colors are used to depict a horrific scene? Would it have the same uplifting effect?

Comics do beg for a lot of commitment. Maybe that's why comic book artists are rolling in dough haha!

I've actually seen pastel colours being used to depict a horrific scene (don't ask me where or what it was specifically though, this is a recalled memory from the vault and they're usually so fragmented I can't even remember the context half the time) and it was entertaining because it made everything look so surreal and weird. Or maybe everything just looked pastelly due to the lighting being blown out? Aargh I can't remember XD

Only successful ones and for some of the ones that I would deem successful I'm not sure how much dough they're rolling in XD

Where did you find it? What was it specifically about? Tell me!!!

I think the mainstream ones make $95 per page. Each comic usually has 21 pages worth of drawings, so hmm roughly $2000 per issue, I think. Is that not a lot?

I can't remember otherwise I would have!

I don't actually know what the going rate is, it's been a long time since I wanted to be a comic artist (I gave up the artist thing shortly after deciding I couldn't draw and was going to be a colourist instead but seems my kind of colouring is expensive and I'm a nobody and was getting told from all angles that I needed to stop that childish stupidity and get a real job and then babies happened). Depending on the currency and where you live it's a good amount if the issues are weekly, that would be perfect XD

Haha yeah, I guess it depends on the cost of living. Here, that would be a dream job to have for an artist. It's never too late to fulfill your dreams, mate! When the kids grow older, you'll have more time to yourself :)

I can't wait til t he kids grow older, I may not survive that long XD

The animation stuff is what I want to do and I'm doing that so I'm happy :)

If you lay off coffee, I'm sure you will ;)

Really? Wow! Why don't you post some of your animation on here? I'm sure that'll be a hit.

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