"Turquoise secrets", original art. Story Of All Secrets.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

How many secrets will you take with you to the grave?

"Turquoise secrets", oil on 42x54 inches canvas.

Secrets we don't tell our parents. Because we think that they would not understand. Then we grow up and suddenly they don't seem so alien, so far from our world. Or maybe even more? But then, one day it's too late and we can only whisper in the silent graveyards of our departed.

Secrets we don't tell our partners. Our lovers, our wives and our husbands. Because we are scared that we would lose them. Out of shame, and guilt, the things we did because we felt like it was the appropriate thing to do in the moment. As a retaliation, or short term satisfaction. The former only hurts us back and the latter keeps us trapped in the thirst that cannot be satiated by anything external. Not even by a touch of a lover, who we have to hide.

Secrets we hide from our friends. Because we want to look cool. We need to maintain the image of a person worthy of their friendship. Somebody attractive, kind and witty. Because we want to be loved, and admired. Needy of their attention. As if love was traded, as if love was in shortage, as if love could be acquired from somewhere else that the limitless spring within.

Done soon. So many secrets coded in this painting!

Secrets we hide from our rulers. Because we are rebels. Because we can tell when injustice is being done to us. Because deep in our hearts we know that we came here to live such a different life than the one that system keeps us trapped in. But we rarely say anything. We rarely risk our freedom, our securities, our life, our little castles made of sands. To stand up, to speak up, to be in the way of something so unforgiving and huge that it can crash us. For love, for the trees and water, for other people's children.

Secrets that are hidden from us. By our rulers. The powerful ones. At the bottom of the ocean, on the poles, in space, in laboratories, behind barbed wires, security cameras, in unwritten history and underground. Because they are scared of us. They know how powerful we really are. Beyond our wildest dreams. They know that the story of fear is the only way they can keep controlling us, misguiding us, concealing our True Cosmic Nature. That story is as old as the fall from Unity, when we created the world of mind, and sold our beautiful open hearts to hierarchy, competition, division and separation.

Secrets that we hide from each other. Because we are scared to give unconditionally. As if there wasn't enough, for everyone to rejoice. Because we forgot, that when we give with no agenda, no expectation, we give to ourselves. Because we are scared, to get hurt, to be disappointed, to be vulnerable. If we just looked in each others eyes for long enough, we would see that dancing flame of life, same as ours, connecting us all, in one human family and beyond.

Secrets that Universe hides from us. Until we're ready. To remember who we really are. Fallen angels but never forgotten. These secrets are different that the ones above. Because Universe has but one wish- for us to remember. And blow the golden gate of our hearts wide open again.
And flood us with Light.
And Love.
That we deserve.
That we always deserved, even the last one of us.



Spending the summer solstice meditating in Iceland nature. Sun never really went down.


Another monument to us all, thank you for this precious sharing. Rare are the people daring to share their secrets, rare are the ones daring to be the becoming of clarity in person, no hiding, no holding back... I often see a lot of truth coming form the noble mouth of the children I end "teaching" in school, though, as I tell them, the goal is for me to also be their student.

I completely have to agree with you: Our core being is love in essence, light of consciousness unimpeded. So many of the semiotic used in your painting rings with drawing I used to make as a child, almost obsessively drawing the pyramids rising into its mirrored upside-down image. I still remembered where I came from back then but didn't have the words to convey the meaning to anyone around me in the culture I was being raised in. Still, today, there are but a few that can start to relate... turquoise is the colour I shine when my body starts to be saturated with energies and, while outside of my body, this is the colour I am usually perceived by the ones who can see me. I've always loved that colour, the colour of the throat chakra, the ever present voice of of our inner truth.

Thanks you again for this magnificent sharing. Much blessing for being, painting, sharing it all wit us. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Eric! The best comments are always from you. Your love and care can be felt beyond time and space. Thank you thank you thank you. I just recently learned that your beautiful island is actually in BC. Friend of mine told me it's quite magical. Who knows, we might visit you one of these days with @gladysmak. Would be a great pleasure for both of us. Much Love. I see you brother, namaste

Thank you so very much for the heart-filled comment, every single word reverberates of your kindness and generosity of heart and soul.

Haida Gwaii is in deed a very magical location, one of the most powerful place I have ever set foot on. It is very potent as well. You ask a question to the universe and the answer just comes and keeps coming. It is a beacon on the Pacific Ocean as well as for the northern part of the Western Canada. As I am moving out of here in the next few months, I doubt that you'll be able to make it out here, though will always have many very friendly pointers to share about this place and some of its very magical secrets... Just Let me know when and we'll connect to make it happen.

Meeting both of you would be a delight and an honour. As I will be on Vancouver Island, it will be fairly easy for me to move around and would definitely be glad to meet you here or there when the time is ripe. Maybe around a fire in of the very special gathering of souls this summer, maybe the next one? Who know, if it is in the stars so be it. If it ain't so be it too. We're not worse friends for that. Till later, keep on thriving, keep your smile and taking good care and namaste :)

I feel it will be this summer Eric! I am going to Victoria to see my teacher Richard Rudd for a one day seminar he'll be delivering about Gene Keys, on July 28th. I highly recommend you to come and feel this man, he is a Buddha. We might stay for few more days and enjoy the nature, and hopefully some fire sitting with you ;)

By the looks of it, it is in deed an opening opportunity for us all to meet. I hope you are binging a tent with you because we need to go to Sombrio Beach for at least one overnighter on the "Juan De Fuca Trail". I need to share a gem of Vancouver Island with you and your beloveds. I just "penned down" the dates and event on my calendar... Looking forward to a solid hang out eye-to-eye. By then, I should have had done my move to Nanaimo already and be ready for some adventures before the beginning of the next school-year. Looking forward to it. Namaste :)

Upvoted and Resteemed. Beautiful article as usual!!! It touched my heart so deeply. Sometimes we hold onto something so much inside our heart. We are stuck and close our heart with wounds. What we can do is to detach and release. Let go then look forward, forgive and heal. Then we can FALL IN LOVE AGAIN with everything around us. YOU ARE LOVED TOO @jankasparec <3

Thank you beloved @gladysmak. You know it! Well said :-*

All we think are stored in our soul, and then in the Akasha Chronicles, the great library of God. Even all our secrets are there! Only to see the library, who has been pure-hearted, does not make his own sake, but for the sake of the whole universe.
Your painting is so beautiful and thought-provoking. Upvoted and resteemed.

Absolutely right dear sister @kalemandra . This Holographic Divine Universe is one giant receiving dish. Nothing is ever lost, nothing can ever be hidden. Not one single thought, intention, action, word. Thank you for your kind support <3

Beautiful artwork and words, thanks for sharing and hope you've been well! I remember the last time we talked and you seem like a good soul! Keep up the good work!

Thank you for your comment brother @apolymask. Keep up the good work too. Much Love

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