TIBETAN TULIPS, original art. Why I'm Not A Huge Fan Of Commissions

in #art6 years ago

Some people who are not familiar with the art world sometimes ask me what is a commissioned painting.

Tibetan tulips logo.jpg

I admit it's confusing, because the word "commission" makes one think about a slice of a profit for salesman when he sells a product. But not in case of art.

Commissioned painting means "painting on order". Basically someone approaches me and asks me to paint something for him/her and if I'm ok with the theme and we agree on price, I get "hired". Not really, cause that sounds too much like "working", but kinda.

This happens to me more and more often, but since I don't like commissions, I mostly do my own work and people buy it once it's done. I feel blessed that most of my sales are happening mostly this way.

Commissions are stressful. There is always an expectation from the client to have an amazing piece, which I understand, and at the same time there is an expectation from me to deliver an amazing piece, thus the pressure.

I must say until today, I only had great experiences with commissioned paintings and always met and in many cases exceeded the expectations of my clients. With one exception that I share with you today.

This painting is called "Tibetan Tulips" and it was commissioned by a friend of mine. He wanted something to express love for his wife, who was born close to Tibet. So I researched Tibetan symbols and embedded the ones that I saw relevant and beautiful inside the painting. I even wrote a famous Tibetan mantra in it. And of course I put one yellow and one red intertwined like lovers in the middle.

I learned a year later that his wife didn't like it. He didn't tell me and when it eventually came to surface in a very unhealthy way, it spoiled our relationship unfortunately. It's a pity because I liked the guy and we have many friends in common.

I can forgive easily and I'm always up to making up my bad moves, I'm just that type of guy. I wish other people were like that too, but that's my stupidity of having such expectations.

We are who we are and nobody really ever knows us deeply. We only know the other people's projections to the world. Nobody knows our deepest yearnings, desires, hurts, trials and dreams. Such things can only be felt, not conveyed by words.

I believe that deep down, every human being, however unforgiving or bitter, has a good heart.
I know that I have a good heart, and at the same time I know that I hurt and disappointed many people.

To our best my friends. One day, we shell forgive truly. May it be before death teaches us the final lesson.

Much Love to All,

Thank you for reading,

follow @jankasparec


hanes tulips bill 1.jpg


I totally can understand how much stress you have to paint a commissioned painting:(

I remember my first commissioned painting, to be a conceptual piece celebrating the mother especially in value for the family. It was comiisioned by the husband to be named Katherine.

I knew the family and their close knit relationships, so what I created was not so much of mind but of artist emotion.

Well sometimes people are different than they believe and the conceptual imagery was quite surprising to him at first, as well as the family (like minds).

When I first unveiled it and saw his face and gestures it portrayed a what is this sense. However each passing month of contact all became more attach to the piece... it turned out satisfying and actually an emotional centerpiece of their home.

But my god you are correct the initial stress factor was a pivotal event that changed my commisionart acceptance to only commercial applications.

By the way nice piece and nice share!

Thanks for sharing your story @kyusho! Following you, and gonna check out your art now.

You will need to do a search as I do not know if the mem pool will go back that fr.

I feel the same way about commissions and can also relate to this story. What a shame your friendship ended over this!

I believe he will understand in the next future time. To paint by order is really hard because we shall understand what inside other mind, and is there human can read mind other person ? Only enlighten can do it. I think you use interpretation painting based on his explanation. Nothing wrong about that. Only difference interpretation is the problem. You have done good painting only your friend's wife can not understand the meaning and message through your painting. :)

Thanks a lot my friend @happyphoenix ! <3

thats such a hard one because art is SO subjective, one would hope that if a client wants to work with you its because they already like your style of work, and thus, anything that you provide to that standard will be appreciated- im not sure what some folks expect -

Either way, I like it and I'm glad its living on, on the blockchain for others to appreciate :)!

Yeah exactly. And as I say this was the one case where it didn't work out, in all other cases it was as you say: they already love my style and are happy with whatever I paint. Thanks for your kindness @dayleeo sister!

Any time :)

That's touching my friend. I use to say in life shit happens at times. It wasn't really anyone's fault and that's why often times in things like art and other custom made product I usually don't give have set of instructions on what to expect. I like to walk into the gallery and choose what I really love. Sorry man, I hope your friend get to read this and accept it in good faith.

Thanks for being so compassionate James! Yes it's all good. Much Love bro

I get the distaste for commissioned work, it kind of boxes you in and removes you from your own flow of ideas and inspiration. Still looks sweet if you ask me, not sure why she didn't like it

Thanks Jake my man! I do like it too, but I understand it's not for everyone... Life goes on!

Love the colours and tulips, look forward to seeing it when its done!

I didn't even know tulips are there in Tibet and did a search.
Well, it seems quite nice and even go onto carpets even.

Ace! you funny man :) Painting is a free world. Meaning: we paint whatever the F we want, regardless of the fact if it "exists" or not ;) Thanks buddy, next time I'll be weaving a carpet I'll keep it in mind :D

Wow!amazing this is outstanding..

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