Random Painting Job On Ko Phangan. How To Stay in Thailand For Free

in #art6 years ago

It's funny how Universe conspires in your favor when you decide not to worry. I always say that Universal Love befalls upon all of us like a rain, like sunshine, without distinction.


But I also know that even the big Mama Universe has her favorites: God loves the brave ones, who dare to step into the unknown without expectation but with full trust in the adequacy of whatever is going to occur.

I was headed to Ko Phangan to join a group of spiritual seekers. It's high season in Thailand and in our WhatsApp chat it was quite obvious that people were anxious to find a place to stay before they arrived.

I decided to do the exact the opposite and improvise the whole thing, trusting in whatever life will deliver instead. I got on the ferry leaving from Koh Samui at last possible moment, I had no idea about the boat schedule, I just somehow showed up when one of the two boats was about to leave, which already told me that I'm going where I'm supposed to be.

Morning coffee with my buddy Alex right on the beach. Ko Phangan vibes.

Once in Thongsala pier I looked to rent a cheap motorbike, which worked out well. I headed to Sritanu area of Ko Phangan, and I picked up a hick hiker on the way and brought him all the way to where he wanted to go, which wasn't far from where I was headed.

This is how it all started. Still couldn't believe that I got hired while on holidays:)

Then I started to look for a place to stay, preferably a bungalow on the beach. I went to few places but they were all full or too expensive (1500 TBH or more). I wasn't desperate at all, I somehow knew something is going to line up for me soon. I went to see if my buddy Alex who arrived few days ago was around.


He wasn't but Martin the English guy who was managing beach bungalows next door was there and told me to go see his buddy Tony who might have a bungalow for rent. Off I went and sure enough I found Tony and sure enough he had a bungalow. We talked the price and I said ok. Then he asked me what I do in life. I said I'm an artist. That stopped him in his tracks. He asked me if I want to paint him a sign for his bungalows and stay for free. That got me smiling. I told him that I can pay and still paint him the sign. But Tony insisted that if I paint him the sign I will stay for free.

Mr Artist on it

I didn't like the bottom part, so I covered it up and started again.

And well, that's what I set off to do. And this is how far along I am. Probably gonna finish it in the next day or two.

This is where it is now, more to my liking, but still not done.

I still have to laugh considering how right it was not to worry about accommodation cause sure enough I got one for free. And it's a brand new bungalow with nice outside area too:)

Lesson: Trust life. And help people and life will help you back.

Thank you for your upvotes and comments,

Much Love,

follow @jankasparec

My bamboo hut, this is where I do my steemit posts.


That is a beautiful travel story with such a lovely happy-end.
Great photos, well written and an awesome art-piece brother.
Clear a resteem ;-)

Thank you bruder. Happy indeed 😊

I love, love your story and the beautiful message behind it.
Looks like you are really enjoying your trip @jankasparec

What a perfect place to stay. Would love to stay in one of those bamboo huts.

The art is so perfect. I really liked the first one but after you fixed it, it looks amazing and just so perfect.

Enjoy the rest of your travels @jankasparec and again thank you so much for this beautiful message. I think we all need to hear that and practice it.

Thanks so much Joana! So happy to hear from you!

Really enjoyed the story, makes me feel rejuvinated And ready to face my obstacles along the way! Keep writing more from your travel :)

Thank you @brakan. I’ll try to do that! Happy that you liked it 🙏

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