"Mystical Journey", original art. How Universe Provides When You Open Your Hand And Let Go

in #art7 years ago

Today I sold another painting that was significant to me. Originally I named it “Buddha Journey”, but these days I call it “Mystical journey” or “Journey to Light”. Some people confuse Buddha with religion, and I'd like to stay clear of all labels that divide us rather than unite.

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*Mystical Journey. Oil on canvas. Sold."

I pulled up at my clients house with 5 paintings in the trunk of my car. I had to find an agreement with this beautiful First Nations woman, who 3 years ago purchased one of my key paintings: The Flow.

Here is the thing. One year after she bought “The Flow”, she asked me to take it back and try to resell it because she decided to move to Australia. Not a problem, I said. This painting is an attention catcher and will sell easily, even for more money than what she paid for it. Indeed it caught lots of attention and admiration, but nobody wanted to commit to it fully (my asking price wasn't low either), so it stayed with me until last week, for another year and a half.
My client messaged me out of the blue last week, announcing that she got back from Australia and would either have the painting back or the money. Here is the thing: in my books, once you return my art (and this is the only time it happened in my whole history), it is not meant to belong to you.

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I love making people happy. Another one bites the dust!

So I made a phonecall to Italy. I know a girl who loves crazily “The Flow”. She almost bought it a year ago but eventually changed her mind because of the money situation. Nevertheless, as I soon discovered through her confession, it's still a screen-saver image on her phone. She was one of the beautiful humans who held my during the dark night of my soul that I was going through last fall. A true friend. It took me some explaining and brutal honesty, but she finally understood that this painting is meant to belong to her. And how cool is this- she told me that she will pay it in full (higher price than what the original owner paid) and is willing to share it with both me and her, if we need it to find consolation, couple months a year. This is how I know how that my art is going to right people. I know it sounds like bragging or exaggeration, but lots of people find solace in my paintings. Some of them even have a sort of breakthrough and just cry while watching it. That's when I know that I did a good job. After all, my art is not mine, I'm just the middle part between the Source and the canvas.

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"The Flow", oil on 58x58inches canvas. Yes this one is a true Portal. Sold.

As I parked my car at the house of my client this morning, I had a plan: give her another painting instead of “The Flow”, pay the difference if necessary, and give her a gift for her open hearted approach. And that's exactly how it worked out. Funnily enough I knew that she will choose the “Mystical journey”, because that's what fits her traditional First Nations heritage. I also know that she had to go through lots of hardships in life before making it to the light, just as me, just as billions of other humans.

My heart is happy. I made two people happy today- one new owner of “The Flow”, and one new owner of “Mystical journey”. I could feel her gratitude when she was hugging me and kissing my cheek to say good bey, carrying her new piece of art home, proud like a kid who won a run race.

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Every Buddha begins with the first step!

Universe always provides for those who are able to open the hand and let go first.
Not many good news land into the closed fist which grabs onto the old, and still asks for more.

Much Love to all of you,

Thank you for reading and upvoting,

follow @jankasparec

There are 7 parrots and 1 landing heron in this painting. Can you see them all?

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I can't wait to have you do a painting for us. We have actually been thinking of subjects. Probably based on Crypto, Anarchism and Love.

Randy brother. That would be great, I'd be honored to do it. When you feel ready, reach out @hilarski. Much Love

Beautiful stuff. :)

Thanks a lot @lukestokes! Appreciate your presence here brother

Great paintings!you are very talented. :)

Thanks so much @coolthings! Love your nickname here :)

A great example of what talent paired with hard work can accomplish.


Thank you for your kind words @cristiungureanu

human hand can do magic
i like your works

upvoted :)

thanks brother @bassemm . Yes they can! <3

whish you the best ;)

It's hard to pick a favorite! They are all so magical

Thanks Stacey! Following you now, great stuff!

Aww! Thank you! xx

Full 💯 upvoted and resteemed :-)

Thank you brother Jochen!

Very cool art....I like it :) and I like B&W art too :)

i follow you, and you follow me,, @mustarzil

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