"Into The Ligh", Paintings of Light. The Unstoppable End Of Eon Of Fear.

in #art7 years ago

The only way out of the dark is through the dark. And the darker the darkness, the more brilliant the light at the end of it. Every shadow is a gift in disguise. Blessed be the day when this Truth exploded in my being. Nothing can erase that taste of heaven.

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The conditioning of human psyche was never further away from our true human heart, our essence, from the Truth of who we really are, when we transcend the false self. False self is everything we were thought we need to be in order to “make it” in this “real” world- we need to excel at school, being competitive and ahead of others, in subjects which are not only uninteresting to the calling of our heart, but also mostly detrimental to our higher purpose. It's all about ego- become, achieve, earn more, produce more, waste more, obey, comply, create a little material bubble and pretend like you can't change the world. The fact that the corporations which we work for are killing this planet is not our fault (maybe?). And most of all- do not play. Forget the magic. Forget the innocence. Because world is cruel, and unforgiving, and ruthlessly grinding all that's left of the garden of Eden in the machinery of consumerism. That we alone chose to consume. Not by force. By choice, that we pretend we didn't have.

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And this is all good. It served it's purpose. It propelled science and build whatever we revel in so delightfully now, or at least certain % of Earth's population. It put us out of caves in front of computers. It put a man on the moon (if you want to believe that fishy story) and shackled slaves from cotton fields to sweat shop factories. It made us believe that mind can solve the mystery of our immortal souls, or conquer the holographic divine universe.

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This is all good. As with anything, there's a higher good hidden behind the seemingly unpenetrable dark acid cloud.

After all, it's been only few decades since the evolutionary phase of consciousness of our planet called Kali Yuga ended. The eon of duality. The eon of measurement and time. The eon of Mind. The time of fall, when we split from Unity and stepped into the illusion of Maia, beleiving that we're separate from everything else in Creation. On universal scale, it's less than speckle of dust. We are fresh out of Kali Yuga and headed to Trinity, the next eon of evolution, which will mark our return to the Divine. What I mean by that is that the illusion of separation will be shattered, we'll operate once again from much higher center of awareness than our mind, which is Solar Plexus.

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Nothing can stop this. Not Trump, not war, not Federal Reserve, not our governments, not Illuminati, not any extraterrestrial intelligence (most are benevolent to Humans anyways, otherwise we'd be long gone), not even religious structures which disguised clever lie and lust for power as way of God for way too long.

What we are living today, is the last death spasms of eon of Duality and Mind, eon of fear, when we are actually able to kill animals, nature and each other willingly, for whatever stupid excuse our rulers (or corporate dictators) sell us. The system of hierarchy and patriarchy is dying. It's just as well dead, mark my words. We can't fix it. We can't regenerate it. And we certainly can't play this game much further. It would kills us all, and that won't happen. For one reason.

Because life has always its own way, and that is (THANKS GOD!!!) outside of human control. And that way is always the way of preservation, not destruction. Life is always self-preserving, evolving and self-organizing (despite some BS propaganda of so called "science" that believes in chaos:)))

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What's coming, after we finally, every single one of us, face our inner fears and stop running away from them, is an explosion of a supernova inside our heart, a massive quantum leap in level consciousness of entire humanity.

It won't be built on the old system, because the seed with which it was planted was tainted by fear. Fear of survival and domination. Everything always comes back to its source, and fear is unsustainable in holographic Universe. It's only purpose is to serve as lesson of remembering the Truth, a useful means of transcendence to Love.

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New system will be built out of its ashes, and it will mark the end of all borders between us. Internal and external ones. Apocalypse is not necessary. We will willingly dismantle the system ourselves, when we wake up from our dream of fear.

To tell you the truth, we'll be laughing our asses off. It's gonna be the greatest party in history of Gaia, our beautiful Earth.

Can't wait to see you there brothers and sisters! And just in case- you can totally label me lunatic, I'll have nothing but Love for you in return. We are one, united field of consciousness, and if I had a taste of it and you not yet, does not change anything about its unchangeable un-erasable existence :)

Thank you for reading and for following/upvoting! <3

Love will Prevail,

follow @jankasparec

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That is stunning Jan! Thank you for sharing your creative mind with us.

Randy! More to come, you know me. And you're the one I should thank to! Much Love @hilarski

WOW. Those are some Beautiful and inspiring artworks ! you have earned a new follower @jankasparec ! .

Yep me too followed, and those pictures were exactly what I needed right now, because I met some real aggro people here on steemit, who are not aware that there is a person sitting at the other end of the line. Thank you for lifting me up today. Let the light guide our ways out of the darkness.

Some stunning art. The water drops and dove -is my fav out of this set. fantastic.

Many thanks @artwatch! It's all part of what I write about. U N S T O P P A B L E ;)

Thanks for sharing @jankasparec

Nice paintings and post!

Upvoted and resteemed :-)

nice arts
If you like please do visit my posts and upvote and follow please

Thanks. The writing is just as important ;)

You got some mad skills! 🙌🏼

you are a very talented person.Good one.Upvoted. please Checkout my posts too.If possible resteem it thanks.

I saw you around already somewhere else with the exact same comment. Please stop spamming, steemit doesn't work that way

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