"Golden mouse", original art. The Story Of Hidden Treasure Within. Step by Step process

in #art7 years ago (edited)

I often chose an older painting that did not sell and that does not resonate with me anymore and either change it up or put a completely new painting on top of it.

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If I knew how long the journey is going to be util I see this...

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"Parachutes", the original painting that I decided to change.

Here is one that I wanted to share with you, since the process was quite interesting.
The original painting was called “Parachutes” (two geese landing in the meadow of dandelions) and I have to admit- I liked it, even after I decided to change it, I knew it was a good painting.

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But if I learned something from painting it is this: you have to know how to sacrifice something good in order to create something great. By great I do not necessarily mean “better” (that’s very arbitrary in art anyways). All I mean is that it resonates more precisely with your current self. With the point on your life journey where you’re currently standing at, reflecting the lessons you’ve learned through experiences which were brought to you by your frequency output and by your karmic imprint.

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dark side enters in

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even darker...

First I thought- I will change it up a bit. Make it more mystical. To be honest I wanted to imbue it with the mystical teachings of Seven Sacred Seals- the mystical branch of Gene Keys, which I highly recommend to anyone who already explored at least the basics of Gene Keys teachings, by which I mean- read the whole 500 pages book to begin with. Here is the link to the whole spectrum of Gene Keys teachings, including The Seven Sacred Seals.: https://teachings.genekeys.com/courses/

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this is when I ran the whole thing with sandpaper to start again.

And so I started with an idea- Why not throw few menhirs and a solar eclipse in there to begin with. And so I did. Eventually I got rid of the second goose.

As I was progressing though, I did not like any of the outcomes, which actually happens quite often. I don’t think that most people realize how strenuous a creative artistic process can be. How intensely an artist has to train to become immune to the frequent feelings of disheartening when things simply do not turn out well. There’s only one thing to do: keep on going and have rock solid faith that the golden nugget is still there waiting to be found. Any art original can become a fulfilling reflection of your imagination if you don’t give it up.

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Coat of black and back to point zero.

And so I did go on, until I realized that I have to let go of the whole “Parachutes” painting and start anew altogether. Soon after I delivered this sacrifice and covered everything by coat of black paint, inspiration struck. And there’s another lesson to be learned from this: never consider any time that you spent creating wasted. Even if you end up starting it all again. Because without that strenuous journey, you’d never get to the point where the Grace would bless you with the download of inspiration that opens the blessed gate to new painting, in an instant. The only time you can consider wasted is sitting on your ass thinking about shit but not doing shit.

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New idea is born

Buddha was only able to finally sit under the tree and do the final leap that led to his enlightenment ONLY because he was utterly frustrated by the LONG search of truth that led him to many teachers and techniques which did quite work out. He would never be able to let go completely if he did not “waste” his time following the “un-truths” in the first place. Every great Mystery (including Truth) comes in the form of Paradox.

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Mouse on pile of Gold is born!

And well, the inspiration struck. What came eventually was a painting of meditating figure with the symbols of the Sacred Seven Seals teachings, trinity of humming birds, and a mouse sleeping on a pile of gold (note: made of real 24karat gold leaves). And what makes it unique is that when you look at if from an angle, you can still see those Stonehenge – like Menhirs with the setting sun right in the middle. Speak about a journey!

Detail of the mouse once I applied the 24karat gold leaves.

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As you can see the number and position of humming birds changed as I progressed.

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The final composition. Now only work the details...

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Detail of the finished humming birds.

What’s the meaning of the mouse and gold? Simple. Us, humans, we are like that mouse most of the time. We chase the riches outside of ourselves, accumulating things, money, academic titles, social statuses, power, pretty people without real soul depth and other things that can never truly make us happy, because all these things are just ego’s attempt to come back to vastness of Love we once felt, before we were conditioned to edge it out of our perception. We sleep on the pile of gold, without being aware that we have it, a great treasure inside.

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The final result. Note the dragonfly sitting on the figure's hand. Dragonfly is a symbol of transmutation (from lower to higher frequency). The painting sold few days after publishing.

The eternal spring of Love in the heart of our being, which is not subject to mind-bound time reality.
The Love that never dies. The Love that only wants to give, unconditionally.

Thank you for reading, upvoting and for following me.
Much Love to all of you,

Follow @jankasparec

Find your treasure within!
! hanes golden mouse.jpg


As always, greatly appreciated work and thought sharing.

Namaste :)

Wow Brotha, that is amazing! I love the blacks! Resteemed

What a beautiful picture. You have an awesome art friend. Congratulations.

Lovely story, thanks for sharing the process. It's so neat to see the stages and layers of 🎨 paint. Interesting insights as well. I have to say for me, the 2nd painting speaks of divine bliss much more clearly than the parachutes 😉❤️ Lucky person who has that up on his wall!

Both pieces are stunning so gorgeous. I do the same and I really appreciate reading about someone else’s creative process. The process is so meditative and cathartic to me, some of the most healing of pieces to create aren’t even always the ones that I think are my “best” or even have offers to sell. I have to say I am so partial to humming birds since falling in love with them in West Vancouver. There songs are so different from anything I have herd before. But the original with the geese is such warm with such beautiful detail like you can almost see a wind gusting and blowing all the seeds from the Dandelions all in the air. Beautiful work I’m going to look at more of your pieces. 🙏

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