"JC is back!", original art. Story of Donald Trump Getting His Arse Kicked

in #art7 years ago (edited)

It's been a while since I painted something just for fun.

oil on 24x30 inches canvas. Final version.

JC was so much fun to do. I reminded me of the essence of any creative action- it should be fun.

Jesus Christ coming down from heavens as superman (SuperJC) while Donald Trump is at the head of a convoy of tanks in the street was definitely a lot of fun to paint. Buddha is sitting on the roof, meditating, awaiting JC's arrival. Was about time bro:)

The message in this painting might be an easy guess. Except that it's not.
First of all, I am not a Donald Trump hater. That does not mean that I am his fan either. It always makes me smile when I hear people get emotional about politics. How they put hopes in this or that candidate, who's is certainly going to switch things around, for the better this time. Um, really?
Well I guess we are just living another epic example of how politicians, once in power, never keep their promises. Mr. Trump is no exception. I could write a list of defaulted promises, and not only that- list of actions which completely oppose his promises, but others done that already, and my interest in politics is about as high as in soap opera afternoons.

I had a client in my studio to buy a big piece last week and she came with her two kids. Kids are the best, they are so honest, and share their excitement without censorship. One of them looks at JC and yells hey that's Trump down there! I asked him- how did you recognize him? The size of the canvas was too small for me to make the facial features properly. “Easy”, he goes, “his hair is like mashed bananas.”
There you have it. Kids.

Detail of mashed bananas.

So what's the message? First of all, I perceive Jesus Christ as fractal line of consciousness, rather than a historical figure (same goes for Buddha btw.). He is coming back (not that he has ever really been gone!), there's no doubt about that, but not as person, but as a genetic make up that is already manifesting, and will manifest on much larger scale on the generations being born now and in near future. Kids of near future will not lose their innocence anymore, as we all did (social conditioning). They will remain on much higher frequency of consciousness than the current fear based vibration of humanity and whatever amount of brainwashing will not be able to break them, make them into small obedient slaves.

You want to know the solution to all problems that we humans currently face? Stop looking outside of yourself (politics, science, religion etc..), look inside. Each of us carry the very same seed that fully realized beings like JC of Gautama Siddhartha brought to full flowering within their lifetime.

Good news is that we don't have to come up with anything new. We don't have to invent anything, or re-design a better version of ourselves. We are already (and always been) equipped with the highest divine version of ourselves. We just need to get out of the way of life and let it shine through our true nature.

The degree of our ability to do this will determine the degree of suffering we'll go through when the higher consciousness will come from germinating phase into full blossoming. It will fully kick in soon regardless, because LIFE ALWAYS HAS IT'S WAY AND WE ARE PART OF LIFE, but our level of resistance will determine the density of the temporary chaos. There is no coming to light before facing the darkness first. And that darkness is inside of us, destined to be embraced and transcended to light. The sooner we let that happen, the smoother the transition will be.

I heal myself first. I don't externalize my power by buying into fear story, into institutions, televisions, dramas, parties and agendas. I don't wanna be yet another burden to collective cloud of fear hanging over us since millennia. I learn from silence of mind, and every day I come little tiny bit closer to the highest power that will heal this world:


I know, I didn't explain the message in the painting. The day I do that is when I'm 80, with not much to do, writing my memoirs. Until then, your story is just as beautiful, if not more, as mine.

Go Son, kick ass!
Seriously, WTH!
Was about time bro...

Smile more, worry less.
There is no problem in the whole endless vastness of Cosmos except in human mind.

Peace & Love,


Jesus and Buddha make collaboratin. Wow... Nice ! :)

Thank you @happyphoenix. Yeah sometimes you gotta relax and do something crazy :)

This is so awesome! Is there any chance I could buy a print ?

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