RE: Original Art Photography Series by @velimir #253 'Yummy sausages '
Sausages are usually made from ground beef, chicken, or lamb, then added other ingredients such as flour and seasonings.
This dough is then stirred into one and put into a long sausage sleeve. The sausage sausage making material can be from natural ingredients such as goat gut, or edible ingredients. Making sausage like that does look very natural and good for consumption. However, not infrequently we find sausages that contain chemicals in the manufacturing process, such as containing preservatives to food coloring materials that are not safe for health.
Usually this pure sausage does look very attractive with a striking warning. Sausage at this time is difficult to distinguish from a sausage made naturally. To distinguish it, the pressure to recognize the natural sausage number and sausages that use a lot of chemicals in the manufacturing process.