When I was just making my first steps - old funny artsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago

So, to finish this posting day I'd love to share this really super old picture:) It was my first attempt to paint with oil - years ago. I din't remember if I used brush or a knife, it looks like I used a knife. It's a totally naive drawing, a tree and a fox (well, I pretend it to be a fox).

I yet knew nothing about mixing colors, building composition or in general: how to use art supplies. But I remember my huge will to draw, and I still have it, nothing changed. Sometimes I get tired of this (I draw really A LOT), but even when I'm taking a break, totally exhausted - I think about new compositions or fan art I can create.

Becoming an artist changed my life. Now I'm much more attentive to all the beautiful, ugly, cute and scary things in the world. I see and pay attention on things I never noticed before, and it's a wonderful feeling. I mentioned before that I came to art in a condition of a great stress. Drawing came to my life like a relief. 

It's still really cold in my appartment, and that makes creation process hard - I can't stand cold. But I continue anyway, and soon I'll share here some new colored pencil art made with pencils from this post.

I whish you good night, and for thouse whose day is just started - good morning:) Stay positive, stay creative:)

Thank you for watching:)

Love, Inber

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