Feathers in ink and watercolor - ok, I completely lost the essence. Evening thoughts writing

in #art7 years ago

Hi, guys!

For last days  wrote a lot about my plans for a new tattoo. A the moment I'm happy that I still have enough time to decide, cause I have to admit - after all the researches I made I'm absolutely confused. Am back to the point where I don't know what do I want at all:)

Well, somehow autumn (almost winter) has some influence at me, I become sleepy as a bear and don't want to think much. But days are passing by, OMG, I have only two more weeks left!

I promised myself that I will not take any new clients this year (not much of a year left, and I worked too much during it), and every time I make such decision guess, what happens? Exactly, I begin receiving new job offers. UGGGGRH, why this world is so illogical?:)

Anyway, in my tattoo version I came back to the feather again. At least it's something I wanted from the very beginning, when I planned to make my first tattoo. So I think it's stay actual for me anyway. May be next time it will be some kind of animal, I don't know. But well, as I said I always change my mind in the last night.

By the way, in one of my previous posts I was complaining   about spam and thought if I have to keep blogging about personal stuff. So, I made a decision:) Probably now I will just mute spammers, and keep on going with blogging about what I want to. After all I find people who think like me and with whom we can become friends with, and it's more important. Even if I have to mute 99% of commentators;)

I wish you all the best and will be happy if you'll support me with vote:)

Love, Inber


My response to people banging on about how those piercings and tattoos will look when I'm an old bag:

(I've found so many variations of this attributed to different people it's not even funny, I picked this one because it had the best image ;)

I only have earrings but apparently more than one pair is pretty gangsta? o_O

I think feathers would look nice, the flying cloud of feathers seems like a nice concept to work with. Are you getting it done around/near other tattoos or does it have its own space?

And if you end up having to mute 99% of commenters you can tell us if there's a limit to the number of people you can mute if you ever hit it XD (I know some sites have limits for whatever reason).

Haha typical about getting so many job offers now that you've taken the rest of the year off XD Ahh well they'll just have to wait ;D


Great response, I agree with you!:)
If it will be a feather I will combine it with one of tattoos I already have on my left arm, to form kind of bracelet:)

That will be a conversation starter I reckon :D


Yes you are right. Dear


I like this one its like the feathers were blowing towards you.

Nice post

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