"Artkeeping" day, or how hard it is for an artist to keep his artworks in order

in #art7 years ago

Hi, guys!:)

Today I post no fresh art, cause I had to fix the art I already created. Seriously, when you draw every day really quickly your apartment transforms to a workshop, where everything is everywhere: art supplies, artworks, finished and only started. So once or twice a year a try to give it all a good tidy, cause otherwise it eats all my living space:)

Today I realized that I already don't know what to do with my super old study art. The only reason I still keep it is because time to time when I have a creative crisis I want to look at it and see hat I actually improved a lot. But it already takes so much space, urrrgh...

My poor lord Vader got hesitated, no surprise if to think about how much neighbors he has:(

Every time I'm happy when I manage to collect enough drawings that were made just for practice and that I can throw away with no regrets. May be for the other ones it's time for me to start a little on-line shop?:)

Anyway, such cleaning always gives me more creative flow, cause when you have too much old stuff there's no place for something new. I'm sure that when I'll finish I'll be full of creative forces:)

Have a great weekend!:)

I wish you all the best and will be happy if you'll support me with vote:)

Love, Inber


Nice. Would be nicer to see the paintings in a closer view.

I posted most of them in close view:)

Yes, this is an important topic. I find it hard to organize all my drawings--there are so many. But going through them from time to time does help in remembering where everything is.


Man you have been busy O_O I suppose that's one advantage to doing everything on the computer. I try to clean out or at least make sure all my stuff is still organised every now and again but usually just get bigger/more hard drives XD


Even on my computer I also have to clean everything time to time:) You know how quickly different files with sketches appear everywhere:)

Love your art

Thank you:)

Nice post I just upvoted you,

Please Checkout my post and please upvote..

I am new in steemit..

New, but already you're a spammer. And I see that 10 minutes ago you've already been warned that you will be flagged for asking for upvotes. This is the second warning. +you're sending the same comment over and over again, so it's nothing more, then creepy spam

hahaha Glad to see I am not the only one that gets overrun with arts and crafts. lol I need to do the same de-cluttering ritual as you. Great inspiration, thanks.

I'm glad I'm not alone in it:) May be all creative people are less or more like that, we just can't hold ourselves from having a lot of supplies and results of creativity:)

I think your right, our minds are always going in too many creative directions and we need the tools of the trade to bring our thoughts into manifestation.

Hey inber! That's a great collection that you have! You could create a wall, or find a wall in your house to putt your jobs in it, then it would be your creativity space! 😉

My collection can cover all walls in our tiny apartment, and I'm not sure I want that:) You can see a board behind me, this is where I hang my favorite ones:)

ha ha! Ya, it's lots of papers... I had an idea like these: ;)

Oh wow:) It will eat a lot of space:)

wow, that is a whole lot of art! I generally give my art to some friends or it goes on a shelf generally never to see the light of day again lol I'm gonna have to go through your post history to find that vader, it looks really cool.

It was more then half year ago, here he is:

Yes! I love it! I've been thinking about doing another Vader one myself. I really, really like the drippage at the bottom. I assume this is watercolor?

It's mostly black ink:)

interesting, did you use a paint brush?

Um... Regular brush from squirrel's fur:)

sort of a random question, and I'm not sure if there is a better place to ask it (like a personal message system?); but I took like a 6 month (or maybe longer!) hiatus from steemit (my hard drive died and other stuff!) and I was wondering if you have any good places for me to get "connected", particularly with the art world here. I looked into some Discord servers yesterday, but do you have any recommendations of a good discord server specific to art? or any other helpful tips/links for me to "get connected"? Thanks!

It's steemit chat where you can contact me directly if you wish:)
I just follow other artists blogs and communicate in comments, unfortunately I can't give you any advises about something else.

no problem, thanks!

Don't throw them too good for that. @Steemit should create a shop selling in Steem would boost its value no end. @inber start it up put some of your piece on and get a little bidding going. I'd bid for a few if the postage isn't to expensive to England ;)

Postage is usually about 1-1.5$, I'we already tried this system with another steemian who won my R2D2 watercolor in a small competition:)

Not too bad. Get some one display :)

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