Art in everything - tasty art post

in #art6 years ago

Hi, guys!

Today I've found something really interesting in a small cozy shop in my city. Have you ever seen gingerbreads like this? I couldn't resist to buy this one, and want to share it with you:

The theme of space is very close to me and I really love to depict it myself. So it was the best I could choose. They also had gingerbreads in shapes of animals, hearts, houses... But the space one was the most beautiful, and the biggest one as well:) So we'll have not even one or two tea breaks to eat it all.

And my personal favorite space artwork:

I have done this one in ink first, then colored in PS.

I wish you all the best and will be happy if you'll support me with vote:)

Love, Inber


great art ....nice creativity

Thanks for sharing this new inber, so is it an optical illusion that the images appear 3D , nice to eat off these!

Very creatife and funny :)

Hello girl, I had never seen gingerbreads like that, this great jajajaajaja does not cause eating it looks very cute, and your spatial art work is really beautiful yet unfinished is going to be fabulous, happy Sunday

Hello friend, wuao is very beautiful the gingerbread does not seem to be a bread, I had never seen it that way it looks super friend and really attracts a lot of attention and those fun colors makes it look great, and your work of this space art is fabulous as all your works and I want to see it finished I loved this beautiful theme, have a happy Sunday

That’s very cool decorating on gingerbread. Do they do gingerbread constructions? Imagine a gingerbread spaceship or rocket?

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