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RE: Merry Astrotheology...

in #art8 years ago

Wow - thank you for sharing this with me. The first time I heard this story was during Zeitgeist and the 2nd time was Mark Passio - link provided at the end of the article. I am very interested in learning more about Apollonius - thank you for the links! I wonder always how many teachings have been erased by this bullshit move.


There were huge burning of books and scrolls with histories, memories of, extracts about Apollonius. When the Roman Empire realised that the teaching of Apollonius stood in the way of the Roman expansionist project, they were determined to destroy all memory of him.. They tore down all the 16 temples that had been erected in his honour by disciples all around the Mediterranean world. He had reinvigorated the "true religion" (Pythagoreanism) that taught we have direct access to our creator (ie: we don't need a priest), and to love one another as equals. Isn't that the law and the prophets in a single sentence? - to love Creator with all your heart, mind and strength and love your neighbour as yourself? This is the teaching of the gospels. I speculate that these words came originally out of Apollonius's mouth. I haven't read his biography yet - by Philostratus the academic/ historian/ journalist/ researcher/ expert biographer who was commissioned by Empress Julia in around 185 CE to retrieve all memory of Appolonius as he could find and to put it all down in a book. She died before its completion in c. 220. Philostratus did a spectacular job and visited many original sites where Apollonius had taught and healed some 150 years beforehand. The copies made of Philostratus's book were subsequently burned by the Romans, including copies kept at the Library of Alexandria. One copy was smuggled out of the library at great risk to the people who bore it. That is the copy we have today which was translated into English and i'm sure into other languages. I've just read commentaries and backgrounds so far. But from what these commentaries are saying, I already see the parallel teachings of Jesus (fictional character) in them :) It is my strong belief that Apollonius of Tyana is a missing piece of the "Jesus" puzzle. The irony for me is that I still know there is power in the name of Jesus. I've had a few miracles happen in my life when i've called upon the name of Jesus. But I don't actually believe this Jewish Jesus ever walked the earth... not the way the Romans re-wrote it for us in their books. It's something I leave an open door on and I hope I will find the anwser to this riddle by-and-by. It's good to meet you @in2itiveart Thank you for being open to alternative teachings :) Who knows where it might take us :) I'll also look into the keyword breadcrumb trail you leave for me above ^_^

Well this is great stuff you give me here - I will definitely look into this book - I see it's here - but I too have had amazing things happen to me as a result of Jesus Christ , and His name, as well - so I am not going to be hasty to give up on Him, but His story must have been so outrageous that they had to bury it as well - - so the riddle is getting more interesting. I believe the story that John Baynes put forth in The Stellar Man about Jesus - at the moment...- keep in touch - if you find anything else out - let me know [email protected] - I subscribed to your blog - I like the articles you wrote about pizzagate - (I am currently doing a series of portraits of SRA survivors - Cathy O'brien, Theresa from Austrailia, and I just started Fiona Barnett)- unfortunately the video that explains the hand-tattoos of John Podesta was shut down for copyright violations - or because they don't want that info out there.

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