Prayer For Oceans...Sigil Painting...Fuk U Shima revisitedsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art8 years ago

Last week I posted that I had started this new painting...on a white textured ceramic tile I found in the dumpster -12" x 36" -

I painted it blue
...and then looked at it for a month and a half...till I saw the mermaid...and on February 6 I found out that the Fukushima radiation had spiked up to 530 severts per hour from 5 severts - as it has been for the last 6 years.

At 5 severts per hour pouring 300,000 tons of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean every day, but now it's up to 530 severts per hour pouring into the 300,000 tons of radioactive water, daily...

I wrote something about that here - got attacked. I mentioned it to my California relatives - I got attacked. My sister told me the "Galactics" are cleaning it up, and they go about their lives being mad at Trump. My cousin told me she doesn't want to know about Fukushima - and she told me I sounded "angry" and "down" on the phone... I said I thought I am doing fairly well considering what I know - I am not depressed - I am sad - and I cry a lot for the animals - I just suddenly start weeping - like at work - last week someone ordered the paint-color "Tsunami" - a beautiful deep sea green and I had to excuse myself to the bathroom - but I don't think their is anything "wrong" with that - I grew up in California - on Tomales Bay - an ocean inlet in Northern CA - I swam their every day and brushed up against jellyfish and sharks and sting rays and seals all the time - so - it's a part of my own psychic body that is being attacked -
I decided to do a Sigil for the Ocean - (not the Pacific Ocean perse because ALL the oceans are connected - come on! We know this - but somehow we tell ourselves that the Atlantic is still ok...)

I had seen a pentagram in the white lines at the bottom of the painting and I thought, I will make the Sigil in the pentagram like starfish. A pentagram is a sacred symbol for The Spirit and the 4 Elements. I was able to make it like this- and I made 3 starfish Sigils in the painting.... I made 3 because 3 is the number of manifestation - Triune Sigils... The Trinity. Father>Holy Spirit>Son - Thought>Emotion>Action. I have relied on Magick and Prayer my whole life, so here I am - completely unable to do anything about this in the Dimension of Effects, but in the Dimension of Cause, I practice Natural Law and tell the Truth and Pray.

It's what I CAN do. I have done a bunch of research since February 6th, and I wrote and article on my blog about it. In that article, I basically just list all the videos and articles I have read and watched about Fukushima since 2/6/17.

What I concluded is that the Dark Luciferians of Israel (Rothschilds) did Fuk U Shima (Green Language - "Shima" means "mother" in Navajo) - they not only did a HAARP earthquake to create the Tsunami, but they also planted some dynamite in the Reactor, 9/11 style, to make sure it would start dumping radioactive water into the Pacific to serve their Eugenics Agenda to cut the population down to half a billion... The Reactor itself, situated right on the Pacific Coast, was designed by the satanic General Electric with Toshiba interests.

*Here is my prayer for Gaia... and the sea creatures *

Today, I got some Detoxadine (Nesciant Iodine) from the Health Ranger - and if I am still alive for a refill I can get it on ebay for less with free shipping. I don't know if it's going to really help - but I figure the higher radiation levels will hit California by tomorrow and probably be here in another week or so - being as I paint with heavy metals as it is and have a smart phone glued to my head a lot of the time- this can't hurt.

Here is a close-up of her face. She seems fairly optimistic. I am pretty sure that it will probably take another cycle through the equinoxes, human-free, for this to come to pass, and I that what George Carlin said - "The Earth will just shake us off like a bad case of fleas..." But in the meantime - this is what I can do - and keep on keepin on. I keep an open mind that Redemption is possible at any time for everyone.
© 2017 Joanna Whitney

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