Parrot Painting... part 4

in #art8 years ago

I finally started gluing and painting. At the same time that this was going on, I was reading about the 44000 wild horses that the Bureau of Land Management had voted to kill and at the same time as that I was watching about the Dakota Pipeline. At the same time as that I was also going to my big box orange job and watching all the people don orange and blue Bronco jersey's cuz it's football season. I started waking up in the morning filled with terror. I realized that - although I have every reason to be filled with terror it is actually menopause, so on a friend's recommendation, I added Borage Oil to my diet. Borage Oil pills 2 per day did nothing much to touch my terror, so I began again to make Black Cohosh Root infusion - that's the only thing that seems to stave off my hormonal swings. I buy it on ebay by the pound and drink at least 8 oz a day.

I started to paint the mermaid. She is me. I am a mermaid. I consider growing up on Tomales Bay in Marin County, CA and how we frolicked amongst the jellyfish and sharks and waded up to our knees in the black mud. It was glorious. Now I live in a city and have to drive an hour to get to nature.

I have not eaten meat for almost 1 month, today - August 30th. Food is amazing - I miss meat but then I pray and don't eat it. I still have to cook meat for my roommate who I take care of because he is not getting off meat. I cooked him a roast last night and when I took it out of the oven it looked so delicious I just prayed for the power not to taste it and for the inspiration to make something delicious for myself - I ended up making a fantastic soup - using the magic bullet to puree some squash I had cooked as a thickening base and just put everything in the fridge into it plus some pinto beans - and leftover salsa! It has a kick! That was Divinely inspired.

Friends are going through a lot right now. One has been diagnosed with Lymphatic Cancer - is going in for surgery on Thursday. I prayed and sent him Rieki - I got the message that he has some work to do that he has been avoiding and the illness is there to get his attention. Ok so fine but please transmute it - we have the opportunity to make the changes while we are in the physical. Another was present while her brother shoved a plate of food into her sister-in-law's face in front of the children last night after the sister-in-law had badgered him just one more time too many. Another is having memories of childhood sexual abuse and yet another is going in for imaging on her breast today. I am blessed that all I am experiencing is plain old menopause! I prayed with most of them and am praying for all of them. I am sending Reiki and also sending Reiki to the earth.

I added cadmium yellow deep and used Citrisolve to remove the details on the feathers I had painted on previously. Cadmium yellow deep is a very toxic paint - I have gotten heavy metal poisoning from it in the past. This day the windows were wide open and I did not get flu-like symptoms nor did I have to take silica powder as I had in the past.

I need to add the other pine leaves on that I almost forgot to put on- and then paint them - and then we will see if I am done with this painting and ready to give to my chiropractor - maybe by October 6 which will be the last day of the Rx - it will be finally dry and ready to present.

Members of We Are Change Colorado are heading up to North Dakotah to stand in protest of the pipeline. They are having a fundraiser tonite in Boulder to raise money for their trip. Last I had heard a judge had granted the Sioux time but I guess that time is up.

Now, I have to sit down and glue these palm leaves down with gorilla glue. I feel like we just have to pick an injustice and stand up together on it - so the Pipeline is good an injustice as the many - I wish I could go - but I have to stay here and take care of my roommate - that's my job- making sure he is ok. I will keep doing my local stuff that I do here.

More to come Steemians cuz this painting is not finished yet!

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