Having Lunch At The Plaza - A Photo Expose - Managing Perception

in #art7 years ago


Secrets That Artists Keep

Every artist has their secrets much like every magician. In a way our jobs are very similar. We both for want of a better way of describing it deal in illusion. I have my secrets too. Can you guess what my secret is in these photos?


Each Media And Medium

It really does not matter what kind of art that you do. It is all a form of visual and experiential hearsay. At very least you are at least one step removed from direct experience of what you see unless perhaps you argue that live music and sculpture are first person experience at least in part.


Rose Colored Glasses

As artists we overlay many things onto our works. Sometimes we filter things that we represent by our own perceptions or editorial perspective. It can be in the angle that we take a picture from choosing to frame up a certain view that might tell lies about what it is you are seeing. Sometimes this is intentional and perhaps sometimes it is not.


Have You Figured It Out

So, have you figured out my ploy? What is my folly?


One Last Chance

Okay I will give you one more image to figure it out?


Expose Exposed


By now you must have figured out what I was not telling the truth about. This is not a series of actual photographs at all. They are a complete construct. They are the world that is pulled over your eyes. All of this was done in the Unreal Game Engine.

Modern day game engines have come a long way in their ability to create photographic quality in real time. More and more the pictures and video that you see is being created by them even for use in high end productions because they can be made to look so good at such a low cost. They have become a force multiplier in the production arena.

So next time you are looking at a photo, TV, or movie, take a moment and ask yourself is this image real or is it the world painted over my eyes by some motivated lair like me. Though my motive is not very salacious nor my intent to wholeheartedly deceive I have ultimately created an artifice. My real intention is to get you to consider the nature of what you feel is reality.

If I can cause questions about reality in you by exposing my truth that these are not photographs at all, perhaps then I can get you to question all that you see. What is the truth and are you sure of what you are seeing or experiencing.

Is This Thing On

So what is your reaction to any of this? Did you feel in anyway thoughtful or inspired by any of my picture, concepts and words? I love feedback and as I have mostly been getting bots voting for me I really wonder how many people will take the time to investigate this and really participate, much less upvote, follow or resteem. I would love to hear from you! @Reddust, @edgarsart, @dan, anyone I would love to hear your take on any of this.


I love this clean and great picture. Nice one @iamwne which device do you use to take this awesome picture

This is completely computer generated. It was done in the Unreal Game Engine over a series of days. I am still working on the whole scene... check out this for an animated view https://steemit.com/tag/@iamwne/scenes-from-the-plaza-gardens-cafe-unreal-engine

Cool. I want to know if is phone snap. Because I want some little tutorial on how to take good picture with a phone. I just did one post some minute ago on a picture I took.

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