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RE: Adventures In Calling Out An Art Thieving Scumbag

in #art6 years ago

Wow this dude is really fucking talented - Dave, I mean, of course. Not my style, but I have to commend the skills...obviously very good at his work.
Well, you have to admit that 'tough guy cunt boy' does take some imaginative skill...Had to read that one twice and still didn't sound right, but still :)))

You're a cool dude for calling this asshole out ;) Good on you. Hope Rapoza agrees and you get your covers soon!


I hope so as well on the covers. Fingers crossed.

“Tough guy cunt boy” does have a certain charm to it.

nice work calling him out - "tough guy cunt boy" sounds like a great future title!

Lol. That piece will definitely earn!

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