Daily Doodle #12: Heron

in #art6 years ago


Why, why, WHY do birds have to be such a**holes?! I seriously just picked Herons because I thought “Oh wow, what a graceful looking bird! That should be fun to draw.” While perusing through the google image search, however, I witnessed things that I cannot unsee.


Sure, I don’t mind seeing a bird with a fish in its mouth. I understand the need to kill and eat snakes. I even managed to empathize with images of Heron’s making meals of little field mice. Things became dark, however, when I found an image of a heron holding a young bunny by the neck, obviously preparing to eat the poor guy. Sad as I was, I marched on looking for good drawing references… Until the duckling. It was an image of a heron.... eating a duckling… that was still alive... Soul. Crushed.


I get it, I really do. Animals have to eat, and if you’re not fortunate enough to be domesticated and fed daily by humans, you have to take every opportunity available to feed yourself. I just have a huge soft spot in my heart for cute, fluffy creatures. Also, It probably doesn’t help that I have kept ducklings and a bunny as pets before.


The more and more avian creatures I draw and research, the more I start to make the connection with my childhood fear of velociraptors. As drawing practice, they make interesting and amusing subjects. But inside, they are cold, calculated killers that have no remorse when it comes to finding their next meal. I guess that’s it for now.

Until next time.


11-12 June 2018
??:?? - ??:??
(maybe 60 minutes?)

I love feedback, so if you have any questions, ideas, or requests, make sure to leave a comment below. And, if you need more fun stuff to shove into your eyeballs, hop over and check out my YouTube channel, Chimp Skipper, or my online portfolio.

#art #sketch #drawing #pencil #slothicorn #daily #practice #dailydoodles #dailysketches #birds #flight #avian #heron #crane #wildlife #fish #brutal #duckling #sad #illustration #creative #creativity


lol! Oh, dear. Yep, nature can be cruel, no way around it. But you are one hell of an artist. Saw you on PYPT today and clicked on your bearded dragon post. Loved that one! I have a thing for dragons.

Your artwork is inspiring. I used to love sketching, but haven't worked with much visual art in years and years. Mostly write and play music... which reminds me, I have an open mic video to do tonight. But I love your artwork! So glad you shared it in the Ramble today. 💖

Thank you so much for your kinds words! I'm loving that the ramble is helping me find so many great Steemians! I'm glad you liked the Beardie drawing. I will have to pop over and check out your page. Thank you again!

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