Some Art Glitch Of The Meme. Wound Down The Day.

in #art6 years ago

Had an alright time of getting out. Feel somewhat better. Went out for coffee for awhile. Was able to make some drum beats on the iPad there. It sounded really good! Kinda industrial. Will have to mix it up and present it sometime soon! Also made these glitch pics while out. Was glad to chill out a while and engage in some creativity for the day.

Tomorrow will be a fun day. Will go swimming in the morning. Will wind down more that way! It'll be great. Will hangout at the mall after, drink some coffee, work on some more music stuff. Read a bit of the book Development Dictionary. Will read more of that while out and about tomorrow too. Almost finished it for the second time. It's a great book for deconstructing all these political words in pop culture. Good to read it as defence against being brainwashed by certain concepts. There are many essays on various words.

Tomorrow should be sufficient for me to get back to work mode on Monday. I was feeling super slugged out lately. Need these couple days! I will continue working on myself for awhile. Not going to be spending much times for friends, distractions. Will keep getting down to it to develop my philosophy, lyrics, music groove, make more art. Building up for the summer is where I'm at right now. Want to attempt to get out of working at the regular jobs for a couple months coming up if I can. Then I can really get down to the more artistic sides of life!

Ah! Now I can go relax in bed! Will sleep well. Take all in life and breathe. I am happy with where I am in life. Still much pressure. Society is stressful. I find the culture bizarre. Difficult to move within it. It's like the governments and corporations are this huge criminal gang that has it's nose in your every move, making restrictions on all aspects of life. That's terrible. I hate paranoid society and all the money grubbing. I don't like consumerism. Time to keep battling it. Alright time for sleep. Goodnight!


what an amazing talent!!!

Thanks for the compliment

great art.......


Thank you for the compliment and up vote!

Its a new idea keep it up

Wonderful art.....
i love always your art reldted post........Upvoted @havok777

Thanks so much

veryvnice art..
i love art..
thanks for sharing valuable of luck

Very nice art
I like it your every Post
Thanks for sharing life.....

this great art..
i like this art..
i appreciate your life..
thanks for sharing this post..

wonderful art..i appreciate this life..

Thanks for the information, thanks to you you can quickly find the right flight in any direction.

Very nice art
I like it your every Post
Thanks for sharing

Beautiful art..
I love art..
My blog post art..
Thanks for sharing...i appreciate your valuable of luck

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