Today's Drawing - Another Starry Night 😆

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Hi guys, this time I want to improve my drawing ability by learning from YouT*be, in my searching of easy drawing I find this artist called Haris which teaching how to draw moon on a lake. Surely I can't follow his way of drawing as he used canvas while I only use ordinary paper, and I don't have fancy drawing tools as what he has. However from him I learn how to make that beautiful moon (so far I have no idea about it).
Hai guys... Kali ini saya mencoba meng-improve kemampuan menggunakan cat akrilik dengan belajar melalui youtu°e. Bermodalkan peralatan yang pas2an dan secarik kertas saya mencoba mengikuti how to draw moon on a lake di salah satu channel, tentu saja hasilnya berbeda, karena saya masih pemula dan perlengkapan menggambar yg saya miliki jauh dari kata lengkap.

How to Draw

1. Divide the paper using tape or other paper, and start coloring the upper part.
1. Pisahkan kertas menjadi dua bagian, bisa menggunakan lakban atau kertas lainnya.

2. Use blue and purple, make corner parts darker than middle part.
2. Mulai warnai bagian atas menggunakan warna biru dan ungu.

3. Coloring the down part using softer blue.
3. Kerjakan bagian yang tadi ditutup menggunakan warna biru yang lebih muda.

4. For drawing the perfectly round moon, you need to make a round hole in a paper, than tap..tap it using felt cloth or sponge.
4. Untuk membuat bulan yang bulat sempurna, buat lubang bulat di kertas lain, kemudian warnai dengan menggunakan sponge atau kain flanel.

5. Remove the paper and fix the part that doesn't look good.
5. Angkat kertas yang tadi, kemudian perbaiki bagian yang kurang bagus.

6. Adding some clouds
6. Tambahkan awan di dekat bulan.

7. Adding stars by splashing white colour using brush carefully.
8. Tambahkan bintang2, caranya percikkan cat putih menggunakan kuas.

8. Drawing the lands, next by using that brush (see in the picture) draw the grass, actually it would be easier if you use fan brush, unfortunately I don't have it.
8. Buatlah daratan, kemudian tambahkan gambar rumput.

9. Drawing the tree
9. Tambahkan gambar pohon.

10. Give light effect by adding white color on the top of the leaves and some part of the tree.
10. Berikan efek cahaya dengan menambahkan warna putih di dedaunan dan pohon.

Yep, this is the guy that I told you... I think I gonna subscribe his channel on YouT*be as I need to learn much more and he is a good teacher. His channel's name is Ianapolis.


@hananan... that is quite beautiful! WOW, do you frame your works and try to market them? You are very talented!

No... I'm just a newbie and doesn't have that courage yet 😁

I just tape them around my room... Now my room become my art gallery 💗

Anyway thank you for your appreciation.

Wow, that is lovely!! What a beautiful painting! ♥

Thank you 😊

Emejing banget han!!! SUKI DAAAA

ありがとうございます 😊

You got some real talent!!
This one is my favorite I've seen from you so far! Absolutely beautiful!

I'm glad that you enjoyed it 😊

I love how you showed every step of the process, and I'm doubly impressed that you did it in two languages! Gorgeous piece - the colors (and the subject since I adore the moon) are amazing!

Thank you.... I write in two languages because I want to train my brain, I find it quite hard though 😂

I can imagine! Sometimes I find it hard with just one! 😊

Simply amazing @hananan, hope your cats didn't bother you this time hahaha :D

It didn't, since I lock my door 😁

Thank you...

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