Mr. Michael's Clothing e-Commerce store coming in a few weeks!!!!

in #art6 years ago

Everyone go to my store's landing page here:
and put in your e-mail to be notified when my store launches!!

I am beyond excited to finally, FINALLY, announce my brand name and store web address!!

I will have all sorts of designed tshirts printed within the next few weeks. I am making all the shirts myself. Which is why I am still several weeks off but the art work side of it is near complete.

My store is mainly going to focus on selling designed printed graphical tshirts and clothing. I am also going to have a dedicated section to sell my Art Work as well. Framed and canvas art. I even went as far as registering a second domain that hits the same store of mine which is:


As I add products I figured out how to keep the teo sides segregated. This is good for when I advertise clothing I can have people see only those products and if I advertise my art work same thing they will only see the art work side.

So far it seems like shopify is really meeting my needs. I'm a very small business right now and can only grow from here. It's a little pricey for the basic plan but a lot is included. There back end is very easy to use and very easy to change the css on the design layout of my store.

My main focus besides selling online is going to be flea markets, festivals and shows etc. The pos they offer will
Use the same database as my online store removing inventory when selling in person which is really neat and very useful.

Of course I will be making a Steemit themed shirt and selling them here as well! Wish me luck!!

A lot more to come, I hope you all sign up with your email address so I can notify when my store is live!!

Again the address:

What kind of graphical tees do you like, what's your style??

As always,

Work hard, stay humble and Steem on!!
You can do anything you set your mind to, never take no as an answer.

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