10 tips to handle irate people or customers! Cubicle life, it's one of those days!

in #art7 years ago

Hello Steemonsters,

Update on my missing glasses. There gone forever. Computer screen at work is nice and blurry. Fun.

With that said work is great today!
So great it inspired me to draw this:

Some people just have no respect.

When you encounter someone who is a big jackass do these things.

  1. Remain calm, don't imagine a big garbage can falling on there head.
  2. Kill them with kindness! This gets to them most of all, and with my experiences (especially at work) this regains the conversation into your favor.
  3. Still remain calm. Don't fight fire with fire.
  4. Go back to 3 if your patience is running out.
  5. Be apologetic, as much as you don't want to be this helps a lot.
  6. Go back to 4 if your slipping.
  7. Remember, you never know what kind of day there having or what there going through in life.
  8. Pray they go away.
  9. There not going away.
  10. Run. Zombies.

Back to work I go!

Stay calm, Steem on!!


Wonderful article Gre3n! I am involved in a large mining operation that can be very dangerous and stressful. No matter how much someone verbally abuses me I try to respond with upbeat comments like, "I appreciate your candor!" or "This type of frank feedback gives me the ammunition I need to improve the system!" or "I'm so glad you got in touch with me! I know I can help bring this situation to a swift resolution."

Lol, that classic last remark you made I still use to this day "let me help you bring this situation to a swift resolution" that one is a charmer!! Haha

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