This is prob not good for my lungs.....
But we all die at some point right? Might as well enjoy myself while i'm here...
You know a bit of acrylic mess and then the ink pen ending, here is a bit of the process....
And that extreme shot!!!!!
Thanks for checking out the arts....
There was a whale who burnt itself with cigarette.
Smoking is really bad, man! I was in Pulmonology Department last year and I saw lots of lung cancer patients. Doctor was doing a procedure called as "bronchoscopy" and I think everybody will stop smoking after they see it. That whale should watch it too.
haha yea those pics of the smoking lungs are super gross... good thing i don't smoke.......cigs.... hahaha my art on the other hand seems to have an addiction
lol. I said whale should stop smoking, not you. But it's really good that you're not smoking hahah. Clean air is the best!