Goodbye Forever, Artisul D10

in #art7 years ago (edited)

I felt obligated to post this after my previous post about me being excited about getting my Artisul D10 drawing tablet. I posted that only 3 days ago, in this time I got familiar with Sai, realized why I don't use Sai and continued using Photoshop, and got started on a few requests. I was so excited before, so, what happened?!

Yesterday I started having connectivity issues with my laptop. I would draw for about an hour, out of nowhere my pen would disconnect. I tried to turn the tablet on/off, and when it came on the screen was filled with static. Unplugging/plugging in the tablet caused the screen to go black. The only thing that fixed it was completely restarting my laptop which literally takes around 5 minutes so its REALLY inconvenient. (and this happened multiple times in a row) I know what you're thinking, "G, why didn't you just use your PC if your laptop sucks?" Well, I was planning on doing that today, but my back was hurting so I decided to give my laptop another go. I turned it on, and the screen was black. Of course. But, I looked closer and saw TWO ENTIRE DEAD PIXELS. I tried to get a picture but my camera is too poop.

Now I'm packing this shit back up so I can send it out tomorrow.
2017-06-27 20.47.40.jpg

I couldn't figure out how TF this goes in so they ain't getting it back.
2017-06-27 20.50.50.jpg

Ya'll can affort custom printed tape and boxes but can't afford to make proper hardware and software?
2017-06-27 20.48.54.jpg

Peen-sama has failed us. Here's the last picture drawn with my tablet. (I know this amazing piece is why you're really here)
Time to go look for a new tablet.


Get a Wacom tablet. The one that I'm using is Wacom Bamboo One and I bought it for $60 over a year ago. Though I don't recommend getting the one that I'm using if you're into having many features on the physical tablet itself because the only buttons it has is on the pen. Overall, just look at the Wacom brand

I'd rather keep using my Note 3 than use a tablet with no screen. And the Wacoms with screens are EXTREMELY pricey. There's no way I could ever afford one. (The whole reason I bought an off-brand one in the first place)

Get one.
Even a used one.

I don't have $700. There's a reason I got an offbrand lol

A cracked screen could cost $160 in parts to replace, and thirty minutes of YouTube will show you how to do it.

Self-refurb saves madd money yo.

That's not worth it at all to me since I would have no idea what I was doing. I wouldn't trust a random YouTuber to show me how to properly replace a screen.

Aw, that sucks. Hopefully you left the penis drawing on there, so they know what you think of their product.

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