Utilising googlyeyes as a therapeutic de-escalating behavioural alteration technique.

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Googly Eyes to defuse domestic tensions.

My new Sunday evening strategy to deal with teenage apathy regarding chores.

I devised a googlyeyed plan to address an ongoing issue.

Usually by Sunday evening I am sick of hearing myself nag about the washing of dishes.

In the past my process goes something like this.

Request, remind, discuss planning, bargain.

Then things pretty swiftly escalate by Sunday afternoon to raising my voice, often a device, usually the phone, is confiscated at some point and a rant about privilege not a right, accompanies it.

I need to lose my mind to shift the adolescent.

Eventually the tasks get completed, but I have to be the bad guy, it feels exhausting, I don't like it.

It is a boring and repetitive pattern and I'm tired of it.

I don't want to end the weekend with anger over boring domestic duties.


So I thought about not having completed my goal of a 3D art work this weekend, and I thought about my toddler @littleblue's new found keenness for the googlyeyes, which we dug out for his entry into the clay contest.

I decided to build an installation art work from the growing pile.


I spent way to much time on this.

I could have washed it all myself several times.

The sponge certainly was not impressed.


As for the liquid soap.
How do you read that expression. I have no idea what's going on behind those eyes. 👀


As for these two.


They look like a pair of cheeky trouble makers. Don't you think?

Most importantly, tension was defused.

We had a laugh and eventually the boring jobs get done.

Googlyeyes save the day. AGAIN!

It turns out I could get a better outcome by changing my approach.
Although I might edit out that admission before this post is dedicated to the chain.





Yes I may have over invested my time in this project.



Creative genius you are! :)

Often humour is the better way!




..that expression of the liquid soap reminds me of my younger cousin staring blanky after waking up
...dishwashing really brings chaos to me and my siblings 😅

We all have one cousin with that look 😂

like spoon spoengbob In Film

#GooglyEyes FTW... so great to see an entry from you again, it's been a while :D

And if that's what you call an accumulation of unwashed dishes... What am I supposed to call that mountain covering my kitchen sink?! It's probably going to start a conversation with me soon, so it might need a proper name, too... lol

Oh... This was a carefully constructed piece from many many others in the actual sink area. As you can see the photo was taken stove top.
I just didn't have enough eyes.

even I don't have enough eyes for all my dirty dishes... and i have lots of em... yeah... well, in all honesty, they actually should be enough :P

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