Egg. Poetry. Day 16. Steemit poetry school.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Poem poem where are thee?
I search my sorry brain,

Words floating in the mushy grey
Matter not when blocked and slain.


Verse oh verse where did you go?
I fumble, find you not,

Dear reader my apologies
Bereft, as I scribe aught.

Voice dear voice, glottis larynx
Articulate something,

A phrase a single utterance
Untie thou vocal strings.


Ideas, thought and ponderings
Convene at haste I beg,

Cerebrate or else declare
"Girl thou art an egg."


Original content.




You words are always impressive...

Mater not when blocked and slain.

You've made a typo

Thank you. I have to check a lot of my words before I post. I have dyslexic traits. No problem with vocabulary, but am not confident spelling even simple high frequency words.
It actually took me a while to spot it, then I had to spell check to be certain.
I have had someone tell me before that I had a spelling error. I had to ask them to be specific, as I am dyslexic. They were very apologetic, which was kind, but unnecessary.
I don't see atypical minds as something to be ashamed of. All the greatest inventions were born of atypical thinkers.
Thanks again.😊

I don't see atypical minds as something to be ashamed of. All the greatest inventions were born of atypical thinkers.

I completely agree
What's there to be ashamed of, your writing is beautiful..

Drawings saying a lot than words, your art is fantastic, I really love your words as well as drawings

Voice dear voice, glottis larynx
Articulate something, collab with the pharynx..

Loved the ironic tone of this.

"Girl thou art an egg."

That is a very intriguing line with both symbolic and absurd meanings. It gave me a chuckle and then several aha's. We will keep oblongly rolling along and before you know it we both be at day 100. If it makes you feel any better, you are a day ahead of me:)

Maybe I skipped a day, I better check.
Oblong is only of my fave words!
Egg is a reference from one of our favourite movies. New Zealand movie, Boy.

Oh ... I might mean egg-head. That makes sense. Love to have you stop by my blog if you have a moment. My poems could use some love:) I am feeling lonely:)

the first art is scary!
you have made poetry an art!

It's ironic that when we become vulnerable to the process, poems like yours are born.

It is the nature of human mind specifically with poetic mind to utter think upon those things which are not that worthy for others. I do personally rank your poetry among the top 5 of this contest.
Like these lines just stole my heart, Great Effort :)

A phrase a single utterance
Untie thou vocal strings.

Unique and pure. Thats whats great about it.... You have made an most out of the scribbled words.... Anyways for sure you have wrote it within no time.

I love the apparently relaxed way of confronting that there is no muse for today, opposed to the suggestive images that are coupled to the poetic voice. Excellent work, @girlbeforemirror. Regards.

Very funny. Same is also happening to me

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